morning sickness (q.h)

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It was around 5 am when my eyes shot open, a familiar twisting feeling in my stomach. I immediately got up and ran to the bathroom.

I barely made it to the toilet before I threw up.

While I was excited to start a family with my husband, I wish the process was easier. The fact that I still had 7 months of this left, made me more nauseous than I already am.

I threw up yet again, but the sounds must've woken Quinn up because before I could lean over again, he was on his knees behind me. One of his hands pulled my hair back while the other rubbed my back gently.

"Hey. You're alright, honey." He whispered as I panted, trying to catch my breath.

"No. No I'm not. This is awful." I breathed out, before hunching over yet again.

This happened a few more times. When it was over, he flushed the toilet while I leaned back into Quinn's arms. My eyes were red and watery and I'm sure the rest of me looked just as bad.

He leaned down and pressed a kiss onto my forehead, "I'm so sorry, baby."

"It's okay. It'll be worth it, right?" I asked, looking up at him.

His eyes were half-open and I could tell he was tired.

"Yeah. 100 percent worth it." He mumbled.

I turned around and wrapped my arms around him, "You can go back to sleep. I'm okay."

He shook his head, "Hell no. I wanna be here for you."

We stayed how we were for a bit, swaying side to side. His hands cupped my face, making me look at him again.

"Do you need anything?" He asked.

I thought for a minute, "Water would be nice."

He immediately got up and walked downstairs. I laughed and stood up, walking over to the sink.

I brushed my teeth for longer than I normally would. By the time I finished and walked back into our shared bedroom, Quinn had set my huge water bottle on the bedside table, along with some snacks and my vitamins.

"You're so sweet." I said, walking over to hug him again.

For as long as I've known him, Quinn was a huge softie. He genuinely cared for the people in his life whether it be his family, his teammates, or me.

His arms wrapped around me, squeezing gently, "You're the strongest woman I know. It's the least I could do for you."

I smiled at his words. Outside of interviews, he always knew what to say.

He helped me lie down again before he settled in with me. Now it was around 6, but we didn't have any plans for today. I rested my head on his chest, arms wrapping around the rest of his upper body.

"I know it's still pretty soon, but what do you think it is?" He whispered.

I let out a hum, "I'm not sure. Maybe a girl?"

He chuckled, "I was thinking boy."


"Yeah. Don't get me wrong, it's happening either way but, if it's a boy, we could have a whole Hughes bloodline in the NHL."

I let out a loud laugh, "Seriously?"

He laughed with me, "Yes! Imagine how cool that would be!"

"I guess it would be pretty cool." I replied.

He started ranting about how no matter what gender the baby was, he would coach them like crazy. "I hope they have the same passion for it as we do."

"Are you serious? Hockey pretty much runs through your blood. There's no way it doesn't happen." I scoffed.

"That's a really good point." He smiled.

We spent the rest of the morning talking about all the things we would do as parents when the time came, but then we started feeling the lack of sleep.

He let out a big yawn, causing me to do the same. We shared a laugh before getting even more comfortable in our bed.

"I can't wait to be a dad. And you're going to be such an amazing mom." He whispered.

His words gave me comfort, "And you'll be such an amazing dad."

I pressed a gentle kiss onto his lips. I'll take the good and the bad over these next few months.

He's worth it.

I don't normally favor the whole pregnancy trope and stuff, but I really like how this one turned out

hope you enjoyed it !!

p.s. I'm writing a whole bunch tonight so expect a bit of spam tomorrow ;)

<3, J

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