coffee dates (l.h)

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"I still can't believe she didn't know what a double double was!" I exclaimed.

Luke snickered, "You forget you're in America, babe."

I had invited Luke to get some coffee since we both had finals next week. I wanted to cram in some more studying while also spending some time with my boyfriend.

However, I don't think we were going to do much studying. The entire month we had barely seen each other since we were studying. And on top of that, he had hockey and I had soccer.

"How was your practice this morning?" He asked

I sighed, "It was alright. I got a new bruise which was fun."

My words caused him to let out a small laugh, "You always find new ways to get hurt."

He wasn't wrong. Almost every time I had practice I ended up with bruises, cuts, or turf burn. One time I managed to get all 3 in one practice.

"Says you!" I argued.

"I'm me. I'm allowed to get hurt, you aren't." He countered, taking a sip of his coffee.

After some back and forth banter, he decided to get up and order some pastries for us.

I waited around, swinging my feet from the high chairs we sat in. I turned to look at him. He was talking to the girl working the register.

Even though I was a good distance away, I could see a red tint appear on her face as she looked up at Luke.

Not thinking too much of it, I turned back around and took a sip of my sweet coffee. Luke and I have been dating since freshman year of college, so I wasn't worried about him doing anything.

After a couple minutes, he came back with a tray full of cookies, breads, croissants and more. I was already full just looking at it.

"What the hell, Luke!" I exclaimed, a smile growing on my face.

I looked at him and his toothy smile, "I didn't know what to get so I got them all."

He rubbed the back of his neck and then reached out for my hand. This caused me to look up from the tray and at him again.

"I feel like I should tell you. But please don't get mad."

My eyebrows furrowed, "What's up?"

He let out a sigh, "The cashier asked for my number... I said no!"

I let out a laugh, getting the attention of some tables around us. Luke gave me a look of confusion and surprise.

"Babe. It's fine. Why would I be mad about that?"

His eyes squinted, "Because a girl just asked for my number?"

"Did you give it to her?" I asked, leaning my face slightly towards him.

"No." He replied, shaking his head.

"Then why would I be mad?"

His confused look turned into one of realization.

"Oh yeah."

I let out a small laugh at his ridiculousness. At least he cared to tell me. That was sweet.

I grabbed one of the cookies he had bought and I split it in half, handing him one of them.

He grabbed it and smiled at me before he took a bite.

Dramatically, he moaned and rolled his eyes to the back of his head.

Yet again, more people stared in our direction. Sure, we noticed, but we didn't really care.

"This might be the best cookie ever." He groaned.

I took a bite of my half. He was right. This was a pretty good cookie. Not moaning-inducing, but still pretty good.

We tried bits and pieces of everything else on the tray. We were having a great time until the girl from the register came over, focusing all her attention on Luke.

She sat down next to him and took a mini donut off the tray. She took a bite in what I think was supposed to be a seductive manner.

As much as I tried, I couldn't hold back my laughter. Luke's face wasn't helping either.

She gave me a look, "What are you laughing at?"

I couldn't even respond as my laugh turned into wheezing because of how funny the situation was.

Luke stood up, grabbed my hand, and guided me out of the cafe.

When we stepped outside he bursted into laughter with me as we tried to walk back towards our building.

"We're never going back there again!" He laughed, wrapping his arm around my shoulders for support.

Eventually we calmed down and he grabbed a hold of my hand. It's been 2 years, but I still get nervous holding his hand.

The sunset was reflecting onto us. I looked up at him, his brown curls and his blue-green eyes.

"Enjoying the view?" He smirked.

Instead of answering, I tugged on his arm for him to stop walking. When he did, I pulled him down to my height, closing the space between us.

I feel like my Luke ones are always so cutesy

hope you enjoyed!!

<3, J

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