instagram live (j.h)

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Jack and I have been dating for 2 years. So far, we've done a good job at keeping it private.

I was currently in Finland for a skating competition. I had a pretty big following on instagram, so I decided to go live.

After I fixed my hair a little bit to look decent, I clicked the 'go live' button. Soon enough, there was more than 10,000 people on the live.

"Hey guys! I'm in my hotel right now and I'm bored so here we are." I said, smiling.

A lot of questions started coming in at once.

How's Finland so far?

Do you miss Canada?

Are you and Jack dating?

The last question caught my eye. It was blunt and straight-forward so I decided to ignore it for now.

"Um, Finland has been pretty cool so far. I'm in Kemi right now and it's pretty cold, but it kinda feels like Canada." I answered.

What are your thoughts on Jack Hughes?

That question made me laugh, "What do I think of Jack Hughes? He's pretty cool. We've only talked a few times, but he's a pretty nice guy."

My answer made everyone start spamming questions about Jack. I'll admit, it felt weird lying straight through my teeth. Nothing was stopping me from making our relationship public. But the idea of delusional fangirls in my comments took the thought out of my head.

After I answered a few more questions, I noticed a username with a checkmark come up in the chat.

jackhughes joined

The comments began flooding with "Hi Jack" and "OMG JACK JOINED".

I laughed and rolled my eyes playfully, "Hey Jack."

He didn't even answer before requesting to join my live. I clicked accept and waited for his face to appear on my phone.

"Hi Y/n!" He yelled, startling me a bit.

"Hi!" I replied with the same energy.

He squinted his eyes at the screen, "What's that behind you?"

I turned around to see that he was referring to the many polaroids I had brought with me. I stood up and grabbed the pile. "Some pictures I brought with me so I wouldn't get too homesick."

"Can I see them?" He asked, pouting his lips.

My face contorted, "Sure, but never make that face again."

We shared a laugh before I set the pile down and held the first one up to the camera, "This is me and my old skating partner at an after party."

The picture consisted of me in a tight black dress sticking my tongue out while my old skating partner held his beer up.

"Wow. Didn't know you were a party girl." he stated.

Part of me wanted to expose him. We both knew he was the one behind the camera that took that picture. We both also knew that the same night the picture was taken, that dress ended up on his hotel floor.

Instead, I just laughed, "There's a lot you don't know about me Hughes."

I went through more of the photos, until I ended up on two that were stuck together. I tried pulling them apart, and when I did, I noticed one of them was of me and Jack kissing at a New Years party and the other was of me and my mom.

Both the pictures fell out of my hands and I picked up the one I knew was the one of my and my mom.

"This is from I think last year?" I stated, not knowing I showed the wrong picture.

Jack's eyes went wide, "Um, Y/n?"

"What? I know it's a bit silly looking but I think it's cute."

I turned the picture around, expecting to see me and my mom. But when I saw what I had just shown, I immediately grabbed my phone and ended the live.

Not even a second passed before I got a call from Jack.

Hesitantly, I answered. Before he could speak, I did first.

"Jack, I am so sorry. I thought I was holding up a different picture. I'm so stupid. I'm sorry." I ranted.

Instead of being upset, Jack laughed.

A look of confusion appeared on my face even though he couldn't see it. "What?"

"Baby, I'm not mad. It's okay, it was an honest mistake."


He sighed, "Really. Think about it, now we can go out without worrying about people recognizing us."

I stayed quiet for a minute, "But what about the things people are gonna say?"

"I don't care. They can say whatever they want. I've got you and that's all I care about."

His words made me blush, he always knew what to say.

After a bit he spoke again, "So, what do you think the headlines are gonna say?" He laughed.

A small laugh came out of my mouth, "Probably something ridiculous and corny."

We were right, the headlines were ridiculous and corny. But that's okay. We had each other. That's all that mattered.

awwwww (I'm jealous of my own story)

hope you enjoyed!!

<3, J

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