hotel (j.h)

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I had been hired to be the official photographer for the New Jersey Devils a few weeks ago.

Thankfully, I got along well with the boys. But one in particular always caught my eye. While I'd only known him for a month or so, I could tell he was different from any of my past boyfriends.

Since I travel with the team along with the rest of the staff, we stayed in the same hotels as the team.

Once we landed in Tampa, we took the team bus to the hotel. I pulled out my smaller camera, wanting to take some shots of the guys singing karaoke.

I didn't stand up, but once they heard my camera click, they turned their necks quickly and started singing in the direction of the camera.

This carried on until we arrived at the hotel. Along with the social media and managing team, we checked in first. The receptionist handed me my card and I turned around to be met by a certain blue eyed Devil.

"Hey Jack. Do you need something?" I asked softly.

He yawned before he answered, "I was just wondering if I could see the pictures from the bus?"

I nodded, pulling my camera out yet again. I pulled up the pictures and turned it towards him. This caused him to step closer to me, our sides touching, as he placed his hands on top of mine on the sides of the camera.

If I could stay here for the rest of my life I would.

"These are some solid pictures, Y/n. You're really talented." He said.

I smiled, "Thanks. But I'll I do is click the button. You guys do all the work."

He chuckled, "You calling me hot?"

Before I could answer he got pulled away by Nico.

"We have a team meeting in one of the business rooms. C'mon." He told Jack, patting his back. He then turned his attention to me, "Sorry Y/n, but I'm taking him for now."

"No worries. Have fun." I smiled, turning around and walking to the elevator.

The ride up to the 7th floor was nothing much except for a couple making out next to me. I got off and headed to my room.

Scanning my keycard against the door, I stepped into the room. Immediately I headed to the bed  and fell onto it. I didn't realize how tired I was.


I woke up after an hour or so. I couldn't even wake up properly before I heard the room door open.

My eyes made contact with his, both of us letting out a yell.

"How did you get in here? Also why are you here?" I exclaimed.

"I think I should be asking you that! This is my room." He replied, slightly smiling.

He walked over to the desk in front of the bed, reading the room number on the card envelope.

He raised his eyebrows, "Looks like they booked us for the same room."

Groaning, I rolled over in the bed. "I'll go talk to them in a bit. I'm too comfortable."

As soon as I was on my stomach, I felt the other side of the bed dip down. I picked my head up to see Jack grinning at me.

"You alright?"

I nodded, "Yeah. Just tired."

All of a sudden his arms snaked around my waist, picking me up and shaking me around.

"What are you doing!" I laughed, suddenly more awake.

He laughed with me, "It's 4! You can't be this tired."

After a bit, he put me down on the bed while he sat on the floor. He let out a sigh before he spoke.

"Should we go talk to the people now?"

I let out a sigh, "What? You wanna get rid of me so soon?"

His head hung as he let out a breathy laugh, "Not at all. I just don't want to make you uncomfortable, I guess."

"If anything I feel more comfortable with you here." I replied.

When I realized what I said, I gasped slightly and covered my mouth. His face turned to mine, tilting his head.  "If I didn't know any better I'd say you have a crush on me."

Not knowing how to answer, I stayed quiet and looked away. I heard him whisper something before he gently grabbed my face to look at him again.

My head couldn't process what was happening. His eyes were too mesmerizing.

He cleared his throat, "Wait. Do you?"

I sat up. I looked away from him before I said anything, "Yeah. I guess I do."

No other words were said before he sat on the bed and pulled me close to him, placing a gentle kiss on my lips. A few seconds passed before I pulled away, looking at him. He opened his eyes and smiled, his teeth peeking through.

We shared a small laugh before he stood up. He ran his head through his hair and headed for the door.

"Wait! Where are you going?" I asked, standing up as well.

"Uh, to ask for another room? He replied, raising an eyebrow.

I messed with the bracelets on my arm, "What if... you didn't?"

This caused him to smirk, "Trying to get into my pants already, eh?"

"You wish." I chuckled, "I just mean you could stay. If you wanted to."

He nodded, "Then yeah. I'd like that."

Walking back over, he tackled me onto the bed. His arms wrapped me and smiled into my neck.

"Thanks for letting me stay. And for letting me kiss you." He whispered.


His eyes shifted to my face yet again, "Would you want to go out on a date after the game tomorrow?"

My eyes widened, but his grip on my body eased me.

"Yeah. I'd like that a lot."

To whoever messed up our rooms, thank you.

I got the worst cramp during physical therapy tdy and I almost cried tbh.

hope you enjoyed this one as much as I enjoyed writing it!

<3, J

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