first time (q.h)

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"Hey, you comin' up soon?" Quinn asked, wiping his eyes.

I was laying on the couch watching a movie, trying to distract my mind from the pain coming from inside of my stomach. I had gotten over the morning sickness a few months ago, but it was quickly replaced by unreal pain all over my body.

"No. I honestly don't think I can even stand right now." I groaned.

He made a noise and walked over to sit in front of me. My hands found his hair and started messing with it. It was still damp from the shower he had taken a few minutes ago.

His hand raised to touch my stomach. He started rubbing it gently because he knew that calmed me down. We stayed like that until my pain somewhat subsided. My hand stayed in his hair as I sat up.

I didn't even get to stand up before an odd feeling rushed through my body. I had no time to even think about it before the couch under me got wet.


He perked his head up before he noticed what had just happened. "Did your...?"

I nodded, unable to form words. This is really happening right now.

Quinn got up quickly, heading upstairs. He came back down as quickly as he went up.

"No, yeah we're sure." He said frantically.

My mind wasn't even forming thoughts, so the conversation he was having was like background noise. I tried my best to stay calm, but the damp feeling between my legs and the pain made that extremely hard.

Quinn's cold hands brought me out of my trance. "Doctor said to go to the hospital. Are you doing okay?"

"Yeah. I think."


I never liked being in the hospital, but being with Quinn made it a little better.

He was sitting on a chair next to the bed, holding a cup of ice. His eyes were droopy, but I couldn't tell if that was just his face or if he was just tired. It was around 1 in the morning now. I had texted my parents to let them know what was happening. The chances that they got back to Vancouver in time were very slim, but you never know.

"You know if you push those three chairs together you can sleep on them." I suggested.

He quickly shut down my idea, "No. I'm staying up with you."

I took a hold of his free hand, "You don't have to. Nothing's happening anytime soon."

"Doesn't matter." He yawned.

My hand found the neckline of his hoodie and tugged. He took the hint and stood up, placing a much needed kiss on my lips. I didn't want him to pull away, but a knock on the door made him sit back down.

She greeted us and introduced herself before she started examining me. I was a bit uncomfortable, but this was her job.

"You're about 3 centimeters right now. Is this your first?" She asked.

"Yeah. Is everything okay?" Quinn asked.

The doctor and I shared a look before laughing softly at his concern.

She smiled at him, "Everything's great. No need to worry."

After explaining some stuff to us, she offered me an epidural which I immediately accepted. She left after a while, leaving me and Quinn alone again.


"You got this, just one more push!"

I was extremely out of breath, the drugs that they had given me doing close to nothing. The pain I felt was the worst thing I've ever experienced.

Quinn leaned down to press a kiss on my forehead, "You're doing amazing. Just one more, yeah?"

His words gave me the encouragement I needed to push one more time. I tried my best not to be loud, but I was literally pushing a human out of my body.

I was overwhelmed with pain, but the loud cries of a baby quickly filled the room. Before I knew it, there was a small amount of weight on my chest. Tears were streaming out of my eyes, but it was all worth it.

Looking up, I saw Quinn. His face was slightly red and his eyes were overflowing with tears. He didn't even bother to wipe them before kissing me. When he pulled away, his eyes immediately went to our son.

"You did it. I'm so proud of you, baby." He told me, pressing another kiss on my forehead.

We were able to spend a little more time with our kid before he was taken by the nurses so they could do some exams. I'll admit, it hurt a little bit to see them take him away, but I knew he'd be safe.

After being checked out by some nurses, we were alone yet again. No words were spoken, yet we were saying everything. My hands were still shaking, but Quinn quickly held them and pressed small kisses onto them.

His phone dinged, but he paid no mind to it.

"Check your phone. Maybe it's your parents." I whispered.

He reluctantly checked it, "They said they're in the waiting room with your parents."

I nodded, but didn't get a chance to answer before the door opened up, our son being brought back into the room.

"Congratulations, you have a perfectly healthy baby boy." The nurse said, her smile was bigger than my husbands.

She handed him to me, "Have you decided on a name?"

"Not yet." Quinn chuckled, his eyes not leaving our kid.

The nurse just gave us a smile before walking back out.

He turned to look at me, holding back a laugh, "How did we forget to pick a name?"

"I don't know!" I laughed quietly.

We spent a few minutes just admiring the newest member of our family. After a bit, I picked him up gently, lifting him in Quinn's direction.

He looked at me in surprise, "What?"

"You haven't held him yet. Here."

Hesitantly, he put his arms out before cradling his baby. The look on his face was one I've never seen before. He had such a loving expression on his face, but it wasn't the same one I grew to know and love. It was different. The more I admired them, the more I was able to decipher his face. It was a look that only a father shared with his children.

"My boys."

pt. 2 to the morning sickness chapter I did 😋

hope you enjoyed!!

<3, J

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