study buddies (l.h)

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Your eyes flashed from side to side in an attempt to find a book for your economics class. Since there was an exam coming up soon, you needed to cram in as much studying as possible.

As you turned around to check behind you, you were met with a back turned to yours. You walked next to him but timed it terribly. The second you took a step forward he took a step to the same side, causing his arm to hit your head.

"Oh! Sorry, are you okay?" He whispered, not wanting to be shushed by the librarian.

You looked up to be met with the most gorgeous eyes you've ever seen. His hair was curly, slightly falling over his forehead, and the slight smile on his face caused a warm feeling to rise to your cheeks.

"Yeah. I'm okay." You replied, returning his smile.

He turned back to the bookshelves, then back to you. "You probably don't know, but where can I find an economics book? I've got a test soon and I really need to study."

You looked at the shelf next to him, noticing the book you needed was right there. You pulled it out of the shelf and handed it to him. He took it hesitantly, raising his eyebrow in confusion.

"That's what I was gonna use to study for my test. Maybe it'll help you out more."

After he heard that he pressed it back towards you, "No. If you need it to study you should use it."

Instead of arguing, you decided to think of an alternative solution that would benefit you both. After a bit, it clicked.

"What if we studied together? I know we just met but..."

He cut you off, "Let's do it. I'm Luke, by the way."

"I'm Y/n. Nice to meet you."

~ a week later~

You held up your test in front of you, being met with a red '100%' with a smiley face next to it. Sure it was childish, but it just added to the feeling of passing.

As you continued your walk down campus, you heard some footsteps pretty close behind you, causing your head to look over your shoulder.

The familiar face of your new friend caused a smile to appear on your face, "Hey! How'd it go?"

He smiled and handed you his test, "95. Thank you."

"Thank you for what? That's all you." You said, copying his smile.

"I feel great! I've never gotten anything higher than a 90 in that class. And, the teacher told me I scored higher than the majority of the class." He beamed.

His happy mood made you feel some sort of way. Even though you've only just met the guy, there was something about him that made you feel giddy.

"Great job Luke," You smiled, "Do you wanna join me? I was heading to get some coffee."

"Yeah! Nothing could bring me down right now. Well, unless you scored higher than me." He joked.

You hesitated. What kind of new friend would you be if you rained all over his parade? "Uh, yeah. I wish. I got a 90."

As soon as the lie went straight to your teeth, regret flushed over you. His face fell when he heard what you had said.

"Oh." He mumbled.

"No it's okay! Still an 'A', right?"

He nodded and gave you an apologetic smile. You rolled your eyes playfully, wrapped your hands around his arm and continued your walk with him, trying to ignore the guilt pooling inside of you.


Walking together after class had become routine. While you didn't have the same class, you and Luke were in the same hallway.

Rocking back and forth on your feet, you checked random apps on your phone as you waited in the hallway for Luke to walk out. Right as you were running out of apps to look at, someone took your phone out of your hands. You looked up to be met with the blue eyes you've grown to want to see everyday.

He smiled and put your phone in his pocket, "Hey you."

"Hi. How'd you feel about today's notes?" You asked. Even though you had different classes, you were given the same material.

A loud groan escaped his lips as he walked towards the building door, holding it open for me, "I swear if I ever have to write that much ever again, I'm just gonna cut off my hand."

You laughed and interlinked your hand with his, which he gladly accepted. You focused on him as he told you about his game he had later tonight.

"You should totally come. I'd like to see you finally repping some school spirit."

"We'll see. I've got to study for my psych test. Speaking of..."

Reaching back, you tried to unzip your book bag. Luke noticed your struggle and let out a soft laugh, "Here let me help. What pocket?"

"The big one. Look for a small book."

He unzipped it, taking a peak in. He pulled out the book, along with some papers you had loosely in there.

You could hear him flipping through them, causing your eyes to go wide. You turned around to see him frown as he held up your test from last week in front of his eyes.

He looked up at you, "You lied? Why?"

"You were so happy about your grade. I didn't wanna..."

His eyebrows scrunched together, "You didn't wanna what? Make me feel stupid?"


He scoffed and put the things back in your bag before he handed it back to you. You couldn't even get a word out before he walked away from you.

You stood there dumbfounded as you watched him walk away. "Shit."

it's been a while but I am now concussion and flu free! also, I really like the 2nd person pov so I think I might stick with it and maybe even edit my past stories !

hope you enjoyed!!

<3, J

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