drunk and in love (j.h)

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My best friend, Mika, had dragged me out of the house to watch the Devils play the Flames.

"Are you having fun?" Mika asked, holding up a sign against the glass.

I raised an eyebrow at her, "They haven't even started. Hey, what does the sign say?"

"Oh nothing~" she replied, a mischievous smile appearing on her face.

She banged on the glass with her palm, trying to get a players attention.

Suddenly, I saw one of the players warming up look at her sign and skate over to get a closer look.
He squinted his eyes at the sign, then looked at me, then nodded to my friend.

She tossed him a silver sharpie over the glass, and he wrote something in it, a small smile on his face.
Then, he threw it up in the air, tossing it over the glass to Mika.

She jumped up in down excitement, "Woo! I got a puck! And you got a date!"

My jaw dropped, "What? What the hell does your sign say?"

She turned it around so I could read the sign.

'Hey Devs! Puck for a date with my bestie?'

My face fell to my hands in embarrassment, "Seriously?"

She nodded eagerly, "Yes seriously! You've been single for so long now. And while there's nothing wrong with that, I just think you need to put yourself out there more."

I guess she had a point. My love life had been hanging on by a thread for a good 2 years now.

"Fine. What did he even write on it?" I asked

Handing the puck to me, I was able to see what he wrote. 'Text me after the game' followed by what I can only assume was his phone number.

From the view I had seen, he wasn't bad looking. Quite the opposite actually.

Maybe this was a good thing.


Third period had finally ended, Devils had won.

"WOOOOOO!" Mika yelled, "Do you wanna go get drunk now?"

I nodded my head, laughing at her suggestion.

Pulling out my phone to check the time, it was around 10 pm. I had almost forgotten to put that guy's number in my phone.

Hi. Is this #86?

Are you the sign girls friend?


actually, pretty fortunate for me
i'm jack

hi jack, i'm y/n
let me ask you something
why'd you say yes?

jack 👹
i thought you were cute. probably would've asked you out even if i hadn't seen the sign

I rolled my eyes at his text.

yeah right 🙄

jack 👹
i'm serious 😁
i had already told Nico that i would try to find you after the game
your friend just made it a lot easier for me

okay whatever
so what did you have in mind?

jack 👹
well the team is going out to a bar to celebrate
do you wanna come with?

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