perfectly timed (j.h)

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Like my friends and family before me, I was a student at the University of Michigan.

I loved it here. It's where I met best friend Quinn, which then allowed me to meet the love of my life.

From the second I met him at a football game, I was done. No more random hookups, no more quick adding guys on snap. I was done.

And thankfully, so was he.

"So how'd finals go?" Jack asked, currently adjusting in his bed.

I was laying on my stomach, holding my phone in my hand, "They were actually not that bad. But maybe I'm just too smart."

He laughed, slightly cutting out, "You've got such an ego."

"Look who's talking! Mr. pointing at random people when he got drafted."

His face cringed, "Alright we're moving on."

We both laughed before changing the topic of the conversation.

"I miss you like crazy." I stated.

He sighed, "I miss you too. You should just drop out and come live with me and Luke."

"Very funny. And you should just get injured and come back to Michigan."


'Jack Hughes out with an upper body injury.'

"What the fuck." I whispered, staring at my phone.

I quickly called Jack. After a few rings, he answered.

"Hey." He answered, pain lacing his voice.

"You know that when I told you to get injured you weren't supposed to take it seriously right?"

He laughed on the other line, "It's no big deal."

My eyes widened even though he couldn't see me, "No big deal? Every injury is a big deal!"

"Should you be happy? I can come to Michigan now." He joked.

I wouldn't be able to tell if this guy was dying the way he so casually joked about everything.

"Jack! Please take this seriously for a second. Are you okay?"

He sighed, "Babe. I promise. I'm fine."

Letting out a breath, I realized I wouldn't be able to get anything out of him.

"So how does tomorrow sound?" He asked, smiling.

I smiled back, "That would be great."

My classes for tomorrow and the day after had been canceled due to a teacher's meeting, so it was perfect timing.

We spent the rest of the night talking about our plans for tomorrow.


Music filled my ears as I drove over to the airport at 5 am to pick up Jack.

I waited for him in the parking lot because I didn't feel like going in, especially with how I was dressed.

After 20 minutes or so, there was a tap on my window. I quickly unlocked it, smelling the familiar scent of my boyfriend's cologne.

I stepped out of my car, wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling him close.

His hands found my waist, pulling me in tighter.

"I missed you so much."

Instead of replying with words, I leaned up to kiss him.

It was different from the kisses we've shared before. This one was slow, yet full of love. Like we had all the time in the world.

We pulled away and smiled. I helped him put his bags in the trunk of my car, before he hopped in the driver's side.

"What are you doing?" I asked before I walked to the other side.

He opened the door from the inside, "You're tired. Let me drive."

My arms crossed over my chest, "I'm not tired."

As soon as I finished my sentence, I let out a long yawn.

Jack laughed, placing his hand on my thigh.

"So are you gonna tell me what happened to you?" I asked, holding his hand.


I made a noise of disapproval that caused him to laugh and shake his head. I decided not to push it. If it was serious he would tell me.

The rest of the car ride to my apartment was quiet, but it was a comfortable silence. The only thing I was focused on was our synchronized breathing, and the hand on my leg.

Eventually, he pulled into my driveway and turned off the car.

He didn't say anything before he slowly got out of the car, and came to my side. Opening my door, he offered me a hand and I gladly took it.

His arm wrapped around my waist as we walked up to my front door. As he reached up to grab the door knob, he winced slightly.

A look of concern appeared on my face, "Hey. You okay?"

He nodded, "Yeah, just sore."

I didn't believe him. If an action as small as opening a door caused him pain, how bad was the injury?

Before he could walk in I stopped him, "You gotta stop. I know you're hurt. Why can't you just tell me what's wrong?"

The look on his face was a mix of admiration and nervousness. He grabbed my hand and pulled me into the house.

I couldn't protest before I was dragged to the upstairs bathroom. Before I could speak, he lifted his shirt, tossing it on the ground.

"I knew I had to show you in person. If I told you over the phone you wouldn't have let me come." He told me, sheepishly.

The left side of his chest was a mix of blue and purple. The bruise coated the majority of his chest, mainly around his shoulder.

My hand gently ran over the bruise, trying not to hurt him. A small moan escaped his mouth as he gripped the sink.

"What happened?" I questioned.

He sighed, "I got slammed into the boards pretty hard. I'm already seeing the trainer, so you don't have to worry."

"I'm your girlfriend. It's quite literally my job to worry."

I tilted my head towards the direction of my room, "C'mon. We can cuddle and order some breakfast."

He followed me and immediately laid down on my bed. I copied his actions and cuddled up to his right side, carefully placing my hands around him.

"I'm so lucky to have you." He whispered, kissing my forehead.

"I know."

Jack better be healthy again soon bc im going to see the devs play the canes at the end of january (it's gonna be weird being in the U.S again lol) also enjoy the picture at the top

hope you enjoyed !!

<3, J

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