home alone (sister imagine)

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"We'll see you guys later! Love you!" Your mother called out, stepping out the front door with your dad following right behind.

They were going out to celebrate their anniversary, leaving you, your twin brother, and two younger brothers home alone.

Naturally, they left you and Quinn in charge.

"Can we order a pizza?" Jack asked, making his way down the stairs.

You looked at him from the couch, "Sure. Dad left cash on the table."

He made a noise, running back upstairs to get his phone. You laughed at his excitement before going back to mindlessly scrolling on your phone. It didn't take long for him to come back down, Luke following behind him.

"What kind should I get?" He asked, looking at you and Luke.

You shrugged, "Up to you guys."

"Meat lovers." Quinn announced, making his presence known as he also came downstairs.

They all looked at you for approval and you gave them a shrug and a nod, letting them know you were fine with whatever. You stood up, making your way to the front door. The second you picked up your keys, your brothers became curious.

Quinn was the first to speak, "Going to the gas station?"

You smiled, "Yep. You guys wanna come with?"

"Your twin telepathy thing is creepy." Luke stated.


After a day of hanging out with your brothers, you decided to spend the rest of the night with yourself.

You sat on the couch, the fire crackling softly in front of you. Book in hand, you took a sip of the tea you had made yourself a few minutes ago. You hadn't felt this relaxed in a while.

Unfortunately for you, this moment was short lived.

Jack came scurrying into the living room with two phones in his hand. Instead of running around behind the couch like a normal person, he jumped over it, causing you to drop your book onto the wooden floor.

"Bro! Give it back!" Luke yelled, copying your brother's previous actions.

You sat there with a straight face, feeling nothing but irritated at the ruckus they had created in just a matter of seconds.

"No! Let's see what lucky girl you were just texting!" Jack said, teasing the younger boy.

This caused Luke to tackle Jack to the ground in an attempt to hide whatever and whoever was on his phone. Right as you were about to say something, your twin sat down next to you.

You looked over at Quinn, noticing he shared your same expression, clearly feeling the same amount of annoyance you were. He looked over at your tea, not even asking before he took a long sip.

"I miss when it was just us two." He mumbled.


The noise didn't stop. Jack and Luke were practically wrestling on the floor for a whole 6 minutes before you and Quinn had enough. The two of you stood up, silently agreeing which brother you were going for.

You wrapped your arms under Luke's armpits dragging him away as Quinn did the same thing with Jack. After a bit of struggle, you got them apart. Quinn took away the phone from Jack, turning it off and passing it to you. Handing the phone to Luke, he thanked you before looking over your shoulder to glare at Jack.

"I always knew getting old made you boring." Jack stated, earning a smack on the head from Quinn.

"We aren't even old!" You exclaimed.

He scoffed, "Nineteen is old."

Instead of ignoring Jack's comment, you looked at Quinn who was already thinking the same thing you were. He pulled Jack towards his chest, holding him still before you came up to him and started poking his stomach, causing him to burst out into laughter.

It was something you had done ever since he was a toddler, knowing he was incredibly ticklish in his upper body.

"Stop! I'm sorry!"

His laughter was making it hard for him to fight back, unable to run or kick away, he just sank to the floor as his knees became weak. Luke soon joined in, wiggling his fingers on the bottom of Jack's sock-covered feet.

And of course, Quinn couldn't let the two of you have all the fun. He moved Jack away from him and started tickling his underarms. Jack let out a yelp, clearly wanting to get out of this situation.

"Say we aren't old!" You laughed.

He could barely form words, "You aren't... old!"

The second he said that, the three of you stopped your attack on the poor boy. He took a minute to catch his breath, deciding to stay on the floor. You joined him, laying your head on one of his legs, Luke doing the same on the other.

Even though they had ruined your relaxing night, you were thankful they did. As much as you hated the thought, someday they were all going to leave you. Their hockey careers were taking off and you were happy for them, even if it meant being separated.

So for now, you'll take what you can get and cherish it.

can you tell i'm slowly getting out of my writing slump?

hope you enjoyed!

<3, J

Hughes Brothers Imaginesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें