Chapter 12(:

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Chapter 12:

~McKenzie's POV~

Day: September 13, 2013

It's been an entire month since the end of the tour with Black Veil Brides. An entire month since I've seen them.

Don't be so surprised. They live in California. I live- well, lived in North Carolina. Now I live in New York, but it's still on the opposite side of the country.

When we had gotten back to North Carolina and they stopped at my house, Brenden, Dylan, and their girlfriends all ran out to greet us.

After all of my stuff was taken inside and after long talks and reluctant goodbyes, the bus pulled away and I was escorted inside by my thrilled brothers and their way-too-happy girlfriends.

"You'll never guess what came in the mail last week!" Jaime, Brenden's girlfriend, squealed.

"A large envelope with your name on it!" Emily, Dylan's girl, explained in an equally excited voice.

I raised my eyebrows and Brenden placed a slightly heavy envelope in my hands. From University of Rochester.

"Oh my god."

"Open it!" they all urged. I quickley complied, pulling out and unfolding the thick parchment.

Dear Ms. Taylor Cook:

We at the University of Rochester in Rochester, New York, are please to inform you that you have been accepted-

"OH MY GOD!" I started jumping up and down in happiness with the four others in the kitchen. I couldn't believe it. I had gotten into my dream college. And I only had to pay for books, seeing as my grades had gotten me a great scholarship.

I reached into my pocket to get my phone so I could text the boys. It wasn't there. I soon realized I had left it on the couch on the bus. Crap.

Oh well. I continued to celebrate. We all went out for dinner at Cracker Barrel and then went bowling at Z Bowl. Dylan and Brenden disappeared for a small bit, leaving me to tell Emily and Jaime all about my time on the road. The boys returned a while later bearing a new iPhone4S and a Dell laptop.

"Oh my gosh, you guys!" I was a little bit overwhelmed. We were struggling for money and they wasted some on me?

"It's not a waste of money, if that's what you're thinking," Dylan told me, grinning. "We're really proud of you and we want you to be able to stay in touch when you go off to college."

The rest of August, and the first week of September, was spent packing, unpacking, and repacking until I was sure I had everything I needed to take with me. We then took a family trip (Brenden, Dylan, and me) to get myself set up in my dorm.

My roommate wasn't in there when we got there, so we went ahead and carried my few boxes and bags in. They tried to help my unpack but they kept putting stuff in the wrong places so I just laughed and told them to stop.

They did, however, set up my desk. And Brenden set up my laptop and showed me how to use it. Then they just sat on my newly made bed and chatted while I finished making my side of the room feel more home-like.

I hoped my roommate was okay with the posters I put up on my wall. I mean, I assumed she would be, since she had her own collection of posters and drawings put up on her side. By the looks of her stuff, she seemed to be really cool. Her bedspread was almost like mine, except it was black and red instead of black and purple. She had various pairs of Converse, Vans, and DCs poking out from under the bed. I couldn't wait to meet her.

It wasn't until six in the evening that the boys had to go in order to be back in time for dinner with their ladies. We exchanged teary-eyed hugs and farewells and promised to call, text, and Skype often. When they left, I flopped down on my bed and nearly fell right to sleep. I was exhausted after a long day of decorating my side of the room.

But before I could really get to sleep, a key jiggled in the door and it slid open. In walked a girl around my age dresed in black skinny jeans, blue converse, a Bring Me The Horizon tanktop, and quite a few bracelets. Her eyeliner-darkened eyes glanced around the room before landing on me. She looked pleasantly surprised.

I sat up quickly. "Oh, hi. I'm your new roommate I guess. I'm McKenzie."

Her grin grew wider. Something about her seemed so familiar. Her hair wasn't what caught me, though it was quite cool. It was blond, pink, and purple, but judging from the dark roots barely peeking out, it had fairly recently been dyed.

No, it was her face I recognized. The eyes that were the lightest shade of blue, so light they almost seemed gray. And her cheeks that made her seem far younger, very slightly chubby and looked to be made of porcelain with how smooth and white her skin was.

But I knew not all of her skin was smooth. Under those bracelets and beneath her skinny jeans, she hid scars. Maybe more than I'd remembered. It had really been a while.

"Starr," I gasped out.


So. Starr. Figured she needed some friends.

That's Starr over there --->

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