Chapter 20

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Here you go! Many of you wanted an update, so here it is! (:


Chapter 20:

McKenzie's POV

The next time we performed, Starr and I each had a new set of clothes to wear for the show. This time we actually looked like a group, coordinating our clothes.

More people had showed up than last time. At first I just figured that they all had a hankering for bad coffee, but then I recognized a few from the last show sitting with their new-faced friends.

Another person I recognized had long black hair and a large smile for me as we performed. He came to speak to me when we finished.

"CC!" I crowed, pulling him into a hug.

He chuckled, hugging back just as tight. "Hey McKenzie. Congrats! You did great!"

"Thank you! Couldn't have done it without Starr though." I glanced over at my best friend, who was talking to the returning audience members.

"So how have you been?" CC asked, pulling away from the hug.

I shrugged. "Pretty great. We're allowed to perform here every Friday night now. And my classes are fantastic." He grinned. "How are you and the guys?"

"We're good. We just got off another tour. We may be swinging in to visit you two every now and then."

I smiled happily. "Fantastic! I miss you guys."

"We miss you too," CC replied, nudging me. "Do you guys need a ride back to your dorm?"

"Nah, we walk here, and walk back. It's not that far-" I paused at CC's horrified face.

"It's dark out!" he pointed out. No shit. "Something could happen to two girls walking alone at night."

I rolled my eyes. "Nothing has yet. We're not in a bad city-"

"It doesn't matter. I'm taking you guys back."


"No buts," he stated firmly.

I sighed, but smiled. "Thank you."

He nodded and I went to get Starr. She introduced me to the people she was with and we had a short conversation. Apparently they enjoyed our performances and wanted autographs. Wow.

We gave them what they wanted and then bade farewell before walking back to CC, and then going out to his car.

When he dropped us off, he walked us to the dorm door. Starr went on inside, but I stayed to thank him.

"You didn't have to do-mmph."

CC pulled away, smiling. "Good night McKenzie. You did great tonight." He walked away, leaving me in shock at the door.

I finally went inside, going up to mine and Starr's room. She glanced up at me when I walked in, taking a double take at my unsteady appearance.

"Hey, you alright?" she asked, standing and coming over to me.

"Uh." I had no reply.

"McKenzie?" Her voice was getting panicked. I still didn't reply. "Taylor?!"

I frowned. "McKenzie," I corrected.

She sighed in relief. "At least you're well enough to know that. What happened?"

"CC kissed me."

"Oh, I thought something bad- Wait, what?" I could almost hear her jaw hit the floor. Good, she was as shocked as I was.

"Yep," I replied weakly.

"Why?" she asked. I shrugged. "I mean, does he like you?" I shrugged again. "Damn," she whispered. "Older guy. Are you alright though?"

I nodded slowly. "Yeah. Just...confused?"

"About whether you like him or not?"

She knows me so well. I nodded again.

She pulled me into a hug. "Don't put much thought into it. You'll figure it out. Let's go to the showers and get to bed, alright?"

I nodded once again and grabbed my shower things, following her to the dorm showers, all the while wondering...

Do I like CC?

Sure, I'd been a fan for years. He's been my favorite drummer ever since I learned who he was. But did my inner fangirl turn me into a teen with a crush?


Tada! There it is! :D I hope you liked it...(:

Is This Fate? (Black Veil Brides Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora