Chapter 28

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Hey guys, sorry I'm a tad late. I just had a really big fight with my now ex best friend. I hate her now. What she did was inexcusable, and I just...UGH.



Chapter 28:

----McKenzie's POV----


I had now been home from college for three weeks, and had not been visited by any of the guys since the day after I returned home. They had all been in the studio working on the fourth Black Veil Brides album.

Jake, Jinxx, and Christian had all kept up conversations with me through text, phone, and Skype. Even Ashley had kept in touch, both of us basically forgetting about what happened and going back to how we were before we started dating.

Andy was the one who I hadn't spoken to, not since he apologized for not showing up.

And now here he was, at the park down the street from my childhood home, standing in front of me.

"Uh...hi," he greeted bashfully, rubbing the back of his neck. "I told you I'd make it the next time you needed someone."

I tilted my head to the side, thinking back to any conversations I had with anyone recently. I hadn't mentioned needing someone. "What do you mean?"

Andy sighed and sat on the swing beside mine. "I'm sorry I haven't been there for you in pretty much an entire year. That was horrible of me. I'm a terrible friend-"

"Andy, shut up," I interrupted. "It wasn't your fault, we all know that. I'm still surprised you're here now though. I can't believe Juliet let yo-"

"I ended it with Juliet," he blurted out.

I stared at him, wide-eyed. "What?"

He dropped his face in his hands. "I broke it off with Juliet. I couldn't handle her being so controlling anymore." His head suddenly shot up as he continued speaking in a stronger voice. "Because damnit, if I want to lend you a shoulder to cry on, you're getting my fucking shoulder, with or without her permission."

I frowned slightly. "Please tell me you didn't dump her for my sake." He just stared at me. "Andy..."

"McKenzie, hear me out, please." I shut my mouth as he got out of his swing and kneeled in front of me.

"I wanted to be there for you when you were having your first performance at Starbucks back in October. I wanted to be there for your second, third, and fourth ones as well, and all that came after it. I wanted to help you guys practice, and help you choose songs, and take you out to dinner for congratulations. I wanted to be there when CC and Ashley were fighting over you to help you cope with the stress they put on you." I started tearing up and he reached a hand up to wipe away any fallen drops. "I wanted to be there when Ashley cheated on you. And when you didn't feel like you were home because your brother had basically started a new family."

I grabbed his wrist when he tried to pull his hand away. "You mean that?"

"Of course I mean that, McKenzie. I've only known you for barely a year now, and I feel like it's been ages."

I knew what he meant, but for me it was different. I had been listening to the band since I was in tenth grade. I had known who Andy was since I was 15 years old, even if I didn't know him personally.

I nodded. "I understand what you mean. And I'm glad you were finally able to come see me, though it sucks that you had to end your relationship with the girl you loved to do so." I frowned, but he shook his head.

"I'm not so sure I loved her anymore," Andy explained quietly, almost as if he was just coming to the revelation himself. "I probably did at one point. But after I met you...and she tried to control any contact I had with you... I don't know. I just kinda...stopped."

I stared at him in shock. "But you just want to be there for me as a friend...right?" He didn't answer. "Right?" I asked again in a slightly hysterical voice.

"I, uh." He paused as if to collect his thoughts before finally meeting my eyes. "I want to have my chance to take you on a date, and see where it goes from there."

I froze, speechless, with a million thoughts running through my head. It would never work. He was the lead singer of my favorite band. This wasn't some weird fanfiction. Besides, I had kinda already dated two of his band members. Wouldn't that make me some kind of whore? I was not some band slut.

What if I didn't like him the way I thought I did? Yes, I had come to the conclusion that I was crushing on Andy, but what if it was just a normal fangirl crush caused by a love for the band and his looks? Then a relationship would go nowhere.

I didn't realize I was staring off into space until Andy tapped me lightly on my leg and said my name. "McKenzie?"

I looked into his eyes, checking to see if this was sincere. It seemed to be. "I-I don't know, Andy," I choked out. "I like you, but-"

"Well that's enough isn't it?" He looked positively thrilled, but I was not. Not if I couldn't complete his request for a date. And I didn't think I could.

"I just- I need some time to think this over, okay?" His face fell and that's exactly what I wanted to avoid. I needed to get away. I stood from my swing and edged past him. "I'll, uh. I'll get back to you in a little bit."

I tried to fast walk away, but he gently grabbed my hand and pulled me back to face him, telling me to wait. Except he said nothing. He just pulled me closer and encased my lips with his own, and for the first time ever, I understood what people meant when they said they melted into the kiss.

----Andy's POV----

"I want to have my chance to take you on a date, and see where it goes from there."

At my words, McKenzie just seemed to freeze up and become unresponsive. She stared off into space with a horrified look on her face, which, I'm not going to lie, kind of hurt my feelings. Was it that bad of a thought to date me?

After a couple minutes of silence, I tried to get her attention by repeating her name. Nothing. Finally I tapped her lightly on her leg, and she moved.

She looked up and into my eyes, searching for something. She seemed to find it, but was still frowning. "I-I don't know, Andy. I like you, but-"

"Well that's enough isn't it?" I grinned. I couldn't believe it. I had second guessed myself when she looked so horrified, but she just admitted that she liked me. Unfortunately, she still had her own doubts.

"I just- I need some time to think this over, okay?" At that, she started walking away at a quick pace, but I gently caught her by the hand and pulled her back to me.

She wouldn't listen to me, clearly. So I did the only thing I could think of. I kissed her.

McKenzie ever-so-slightly moved closer to me, and I placed my hands on her hips as her arms encircled my neck.

This was probably the best first kiss I had ever had, and not because of technique or anything. There were just so many feelings that both of us had obviously been hiding for pretty much an entire year.

When we finally broke apart, I kept my eyes closed to savor the moment. But as soon as I opened them, my face was met with the palm of McKenzie's hand.

"Jesus Christ, what is with all of you people kissing me without any warning?"



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