Chapter 7:

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Pwease? (:

Chapter 7:

McKenzie's POV:

Well, we were officially on the road. I was officially leaving the place I had called home for nearly ten years.

But it was okay. I was giving Brenden some free time, and I was going on tour with one of my all-time favorite bands. What could go wrong?

"Hey McKenzie!" CC called from the couch.

I looked up from where I was playing with my bracelets. He was playing Call of Duty with Jake and Andy. Jinxx was on the phone in the back with Sammi. Ashley had disappeared into the bathroom, probably to fix his hair. "Yeah?"

"Come play two on two with us," he replied, grinning like a little kid. Well, how could I refuse?

Smiling, I grabbed the fourth remote and turned it on, then chose my classes and killstreaks.

Andy looked at me, surprised. "You know how to play?"

I laughed. "Yeah. Just because I'm a girl doesn't mean I don't like video games. I used to play it all the time with..." I trailed off, trying not to think about my parents. I squeezed my eyes shut, vowing not to cry. When I opened them, the boys were looking at me, worried.

"You alright?" Jake asked.

"Uh, y-yeah." I forced a smile. "But you won't be after I kick your butt!"

Their minds immediately forgot about my weird moment and they launched into a series of taunts and picking teams and then more taunts. I ended up playing with CC against Andy and Jake. We started out quiet, until the first kill: Jake.

"Gah! CC you are so dead!"

I burst out laughing. "That wasn't CC."

He turned to face me, eyes wide and serious. "Oh, it's on."

"Bring it."

And with that, our mini-rivalry began. Andy and CC hunted each other, but were afraid to get beat up if they killed me or Jake. Jake cursed every time he died, which was a lot. I made faces at the television whenever it was I who didn't make it.

Eventually, Ashley came out of the bathroom and Jinxx came out of the bunk area, amused by our battle.

"CC! Get over here and heal me!" We were so close to winning. We had 29998. Jake and Andy had 29996. CC killed Andy before coming to heal me. My person got up and my eyes narrowed. Where was Jake hiding?

Ah, crap. I was out of bullets. I looked around the area for the blue packages that refill ammo, hoping Jake didn't show up.

"Boo!" he yelled, jumping out at me. Unfortunately for me, I was still out of ammo. Unfortunately for him though, I was quick with my reflexes. The knife shot out and sliced his guy right in the stomach, blood raining everywhere.

"YEAH!" I shouted, jumping up with CC and high-fiving him. Andy and Jake sat back and sighed in defeat.

"Finally!" Ashley declared, high0fiving me as well. "Nobody beats Jake."

I snorted. "Correction. Nobody beats McKenzie."

Hey guys, sorry it's so short. I just got in from yardwork and I am really tired. Plus, the last chapter got zero comments and zero votes so I figured why waste my time if nobody even reads it?

Change my mind. Comment. Vote. If I get 5 comments and 5 votes, I'll make the next one, like, 3 or 4 pages long. (:

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