Chapter 22:

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Here guys! Sorry it's short, I just wrote it instead of doing homework because you guys have been asking for an update and I felt a bit pressured. Next chapter will be better, I promise!! (:


Chapter 22:

-McKenzie's POV-

"Jake, please tell me you're not here to make out with McKenzie too," I hear Starr's voice at the doorway.

"Hey-wait, what?" Jake followed her into the main room with a confused look on his face. "Why would I make out with McKenzie?"

I laughed awkwardly from where I was hanging upside down on the couch. "She's referring to your bandmates. They, uh, both visited at different times and kissed me."

Jake raised an eyebrow at my position but nodded in understanding. "Yeah, that. Well no, I'm not involved in this competition."

I sat up quickly, ignoring the head rush. "Competition? Does this have anything to do with the tweets? Am I the only one who knows nothing of this?"

"Yes, yes, and no," he answered in order. "Clearly Starr didn't know. And Andy doesn't know. He gets tense when we talk about you, ever since his fight with Juliet."

I gaped at him. "Why have I heard nothing about this? Is that why he never calls or texts me?"

"Juliet deletes your number from his phone every time she sees that it's there," Jake explained. "She doesn't want him talking to you. She actually didn't want us talking to you, but we told her to fuck off."

Starr sat beside me slowly. "Are they trying to get with McKenzie out of spite for Juliet..?"

"No, no," Jake quickly amended. "They seem to genuinely like her."

"But...they're so much older than her."

I rolled my eyes. "Age is just a number, Starr. As long as it's not illegal, and I'm 19."

"Wait, do you like them?" Starr gasped.

I blushed slightly. "I don't know...maybe?" I sigh. "I just can't take any more of this tug-of-war. They can't both kiss me. I'm not some prize to be won!"

Jake placed a calming hand on my shoulder. "Hey, chill. They don't think of you as a prize. They're gentlemen, you know that. If you like one of them, let the other down nicely. Of you like them both, tell them and let them figure it out."

I let out a slow breath. "Yeah. Okay, thank you Jake." I pulled him into a hug, pulling back when Starr asked a question.

"Wait, why are you here? We don't have a show today."

Jake pretended to pout. "I can't come hang out with two pretty girls with no reason?"

We both stared at him with matching faces of amusement until he continued.

"Okay, I came to take you guys to dinner. I had nothing to do for the next couple of days. Figured we could hang." He gave us an award-winning smile and we chuckled.

"Alright, let's go then."

~~5 hours later~~

After a pizza and a few games of bowling, we all headed back to our place. It was close to midnight now.

"This was fun guys," Jake commented as he walked us up to our room. "Again tomorrow?"

I snorted. "We have class tomorrow. It's Monday."

Jake groaned. "You can't skip?"

"It's college, not high school," Starr explained as if he was a child. "Much harder to catch back up after missing a day."

I nodded in agreement. "Yeah, but you can hang out here until I get done. It's a fairly short day for me."

Jake grinned. "Yes! Mind if I crash on the couch tonight then?"

"Yes, I mind." I stuck my tongue out at him. "Take my bed. I'll sleep with Starr."

"I didn't know it was that kind of friendship, McKenzie," Starr joked, winking. "But I can totally go along with it."

I chuckled and shoved her gently. "Don't make it weird."

"Hey, I'm a cuddler," she warned.

"So am I," I replied. Her grin grew, as well as Jake's, who was watching us in amusement.

"Goodnight girls. You have school in the morning." We stuck our tongues out at him and went to get ready for bed. By the time we returned from the showers, he had already passed out on my bed.

Giggling, I took a picture and Tweeted it.

"@mckenz13: Jakey has had a long day. Nighty night! @jakepitts"

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