Chapter 5:

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FINALLY got it written. Terrible sorry for the wait! I hope it was worth it guys. Even if it wasn''ll get better. I can almost guarantee that. I'll work on it any time I get the chance. (:

McKenzie's POV

"So, you ready for tour?" I heard a deep voice ask behind me, causing me to jump. I turned around to face Andy and shrugged.

"I guess. I mean, I'll need to pack. And I'll need to tell Brenden."

"Who's Brenden?" Jinxx butted in suddenly. "Your boyfriend?" He winked.

I rolled my eyes. "No, my brother. And the legal owner of the house I live in. He might be upset he won't get to spend my birthday with me."

"We should throw you a birthday party!" Jake declared, appearing out of nowhere and wrapping an arm around my waist.

"Geez, will you guys quit scaring the crap out of me?" I complained. Jake, Andy, and Jinxx all chuckled and nodded. "I don't need a party. I really only want one thing."

All three of them looked at me expectantly. CC even made his way over, curious as to what it was that I wanted.

"I want my first tattoo!" I exclaimed, grinning. The first real grin I'd had on my face in a long time. Whatever the affect these boys had on me was definitely a good thing.

They all grinned back. "We can take you to get one!" Christian cheered, scooping me up in a ginormous bear hug. I hugged him back tightly.

Ashley finally came over. "Hey, what's going on over here?"

CC put me down. "We're going to get McKenzie a tattoo for her birthday," Jake explained, once again wrapping his arm around me.


"Oh em gee, you're BVB!" a girl with bright red hair and a mini skirt shouted as she passed by our small group.

I laughed. "Dude, that rhymed!" The guys chuckled at my statement before greeting the girl - Katie - and signing her wallet. I busied myself with looking through the belt collection to give her her moment with them. I was certainly grateful to have my own.

I turned back to the guys after she left. "Ready to go?" Andy questioned. I nodded eagerly.

"I need to go home and pack, remember?" They all agreed and we headed out. I paused at the register to buy a Blood On The Dance Floor bracelet, then continued after them. Once in the parking lot, Andy stopped.

"Can I drive?"


"Please?" he begged.

"Please no," Jake begged. "The man drives like a bat out of hell."

I laughed. "Then definitely no. I don't let people drive my truck. Ever. Not even Brenden. Now let's go." I jumped in the front seat and everyone else climbed in their seats from the ride up here.

"Can we stop to get food?" Jinxx asked from the back.

"Sure, what do you want?" I started the truck and made my way out of the busy shopping center.

"Pizza!" Jake exclaimed.

"Burgers!" Jinxx argued.





"Guys," I warned. "If you don't quit arguing, we aren't eating at all." That shut them up. "Now, how about something quick?"

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