Chapter 14:

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Chapter 13:

McKenzie's POV

"You're in New York?!"

I laughed at Christian's obvious excitement. "Yeah. I'm at college here. Why-"

"We're in New York!" another voice interrupted, also screaming with enthusiasm.

I grinned. "Hello Ashley. You are?" Across the room, Starr raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah. Where is this college? We'll come visit!" Apparently Jinxx felt like joining in on the conversation as well.


"I have a GPS. We'll come tomorrow." I smiled at Andy's final decision. It didn't seem like I had any choice in the matter. Not that I would protest.

"Okay, in that case, I'm going to hang up and finish unpacking before you get here." The boys groaned through the phone line. I chuckled. "See you soon."

"Bye!" they chorused.

I hung up and faced Starr, who was already staring at me. "Black Veil Brides are coming here?"

I smiled and nodded. "Tomorrow."

"Tomorrow?!" She jumped up and started getting out cleaning supplies that she apparently kept under her bed. "We need to make this place look spotless!"

"Dude, chill. I lived on their bus. The way this place looks is spotless compared to that." I laughed at the girl's antics. "Plus, I'm tired. I just moved in."

She let out a breath and collapsed back onto her bed. "Never mind then. So, was your nineteenth birthday? I'm sorry I missed it. ...and all the ones before that."

I shrugged. "It was pretty great. The boys took me to get tattoos and we went to a concert. Well, it was their concert...but oh well. They somehow got My Chemical Romance to perform, even though they broke up. So yeah, it was great."

She smiled. "They seem like great guys- wait. Tattoos?" I nodded. "Can I see?"

"Yeah, sure." I lifted my shirt up a little and tugged on my pants a tiny bit to show her my left hip bone. There was a quote in script writing.

"Be yourself. Everyone else is taken." Starr read aloud. "Nice. Did you get more?"

I giggled. "Yeah. We were on the road for a month, and once you get one, you have to get more."

"Show me!" she insisted. I sighed and moved my woven bracelets on my left wrist. An intricate black and orange butterfly was inked there.

"For the Butterfly Project," I explained. I kicked off my left shoe and sock to show the names Melissa and Christopher in beautiful writing with a tiny heart next to each of them. "For my parents." I moved back my hair covering my left ear to show the ink beneath. It was the Black Veil Brides symbol. "For my saviors." I smiled softly.

Starr surged forward and hugged me tightly. "You've gotten so much better since I first met you. Stronger."

"Well, yeah. Thanks to you-"

"No, not just me." She shook her head, stepping back a bit. "It's the music. It's the bands. It has helped you, all this time. All of it."

Smiling, but with wetness in my eyes, I lifted my left arm again, showing the tiny music note on my bicep. "Forgot one..."

Starr chuckled and pulled me back to her.

We were like that for the rest of the night, slightly misty eyed, and talking about music. I told her about the people I met on tour; she told me about the new music she'd been listening to.

It was great, being reuinted with my best friend. I knew the boys would love her when they got here.


Sorry, it's quite short. I wrote it after my Chemistry test. So, yeah. (:

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