Chapter 15:

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Hi(: I'll make this short. I have an exam tomorrow, and 2 on Thursday. But I figured you'd want an update. (:


Chapter 15:

Starr's POV

I couldn't believe it. This was way too much for me to comprehend.

First, after nearly two years, I got put in a dorm room with my old best friend. But if that wasn't enough, she ended up actually personally knowing a bunch of my all-time favorite bands.

And now one of said bands was coming to see us! Today!

Well, see her. But come on! They'd be in my dorm room. I would probably have to be introduced to them, and...oh my god.

What if they didn't like me? What if-


I jumped at the sound of McKenzie's voice and turned to look at her. She was smirking slightly, clearly amused by my distress. "What?"

"Calm down, yeah? They're just normal gu-"

"Don't you dare say they are normal guys!" I freaked. "They're-they're legends. They're the most amazing people in the world!"

"I'm offended." She stuck her tongue out at me before chuckling. "Seriously, don't be all fangirly around them. Please. I have them convinced that you're this really cool girl."

"You've told them about me?" I asked, calming down a bit. Black Veil Brides knew of me? What? This was...this was amazing.

McKenzie rolled her eyes. "Of course. How could I not tell them about my best friend?"

"But... It's been almost two years since we last spoke..."

She shrugged. "So? Doesn't change anything."

"Awh, Mickey!" I threw myself at her, enveloping her in a bone crushing hug. It had to have been especially bone crushing for her, since she was so damn skinny. Seriously. Had she been eating?

Wait a minute...

I pulled away, staring at her suspiciously. "Why are you so tiny?"

A light blush colored her cheeks. "Don't get all mad at me. I've been eating, uh, recently."

My eyes narrowed. "Recently? As in, before recently, you weren't?"

She shrugged guiltily. "The boys got me to eat when they met me. And on tour."

Add that to the list of reasons I love Black Veil Brides. I'd have to thank them. "You better gain some weight back, got it?" She nodded quickly. "Alright, good. We're going out to eat when they get here!"

"What? Where?" She tilted her head, much like a curious dog. It was adorable.

"There's this great Italian place in town called Pasta Villa. I went there with my mom when we visited to take a look at campus. Nom nom."

McKenzie laughed. "Nom nom?"

"Yeah! Good food!"

She rolled her eyes. "Well-"


Oh shit. "Oh shit! They're here!" I started jumping around like a crazy child, not sure what to do with myself.

McKenzie placed her hands on my shoulders and held me still. "Stay calm. Okay? They're cool guys. They're just people. Don't think of them as your favorite band. Think of them guys. Yeah. Breathe."

I did as I was told, breathing deeply as she went to let them in. As soon as the first one stepped in, I couldn't take it.

I woke up a little bit later to find my head in someone's lap and McKenzie laughing a couple of feet away.


"You passed out," she giggled. "You're too much of a fangirl. Oh my god. Good thing Jake caught you, though. It wouldn't have been as funny if you'd gotten hurt."

I glanced up at who was acting as my pillow and saw the guy she mentioned. Jake freaking Pitts. My eyes grew wide and he chuckled slightly. "Hello," he greeted.

Calm down, I remined myself. Normal guys. Just normal guys.

"Uh, hi," I replied, feeling my face get warm. I tried to sit up and he gently helped, letting me lean against him. I looked around the room to see the four other guys and McKenzie.

They didn't look like they did in interviews or anything. They weren't wearing make up. They wore shirts dedicated to other bands, and plain skinny jeans. They could have been like any other guys, aside from the hair that I'd grown to love.

McKenzie grinned and gestured over to me. "Well, now that she's alive again," I blushed, "I can introduce her. This is my best friend and room mate Starr."

"Hey Sta- Wait," Andy spoke first, freezing. "THE Starr?"

McKenzie's grin grew and she shot me a wink. "The one and only. Well, that I know of."

Jake turned to me from my side and pulled me into a hug. The other four joined in. I was so confused. What had McKenzie told them?

"Thank you," the whispered in unison. When they pulled away, I wasn't the only one blushing. I raised an eyebrow at my pink-cheeked friend.

She let out an awkward giggle. "I, uh, told them how we met and became friends."

I nodded in understanding. Well, somewhat understanding. "Why are you thanking me though?"

CC was the one who spoke this time. "You saved McKenzie. You introduced her to our music. If it weren't for you, we wouldn't know this wonderful person." McKenzie's cheeks were full-blown red now.

"And for that, you are a wonderful person as well," Jake added, throwing an arm over my shoulder and squeezing.

Oh. Wow.

Andy cleared his throat. "Anyways. It's nice to meet you Starr. I'm Andy." I know.

"And I'm Christian." CC smiled. I know.

"Jinxx," the shorter guy pointed to himself. I know.

"I'm Ashley," the one who had yet to speak added, winking at me. I know.

"And I'm Jake," the guy beside me concluded. I know.

I smiled shyly. "Well, I already knew that, but, thanks for taking the time to introduce yourselves..?"

Andy gasped in fake horror. "You mean we didn't have to waste all of that time?"

I giggled. McKenzie rolled her eyes, cheeks returning to their normal sun tanned color. She changed the subject. "Starr had this idea to take you guys out to eat."

"Yes, food!" Christian jumped up in delight. McKenzie laughed and he tugged on her arm to get her to jump with him.

Andy seemed to be used to them being odd, because he simply continued on the conversation. "Yeah, sounds like a good idea. But no worries, we'll pay. So where-"

"No, I can pay!" I argued quickly.

Andy rolled his eyes playfully. "We've got it. Take it as a thank you present. So, where?"

I sighed and told him where. Once McKenzie and I had both pulled on our separate pairs of Converse, we headed out to the vehicle the guys had come in.

The rest of the night was spent eating, then watching movies, and mainly just enjoying ourselves. I liked them much more than I had. And I now knew what McKenzie had meant. They were just like normal guys. And they were definitely fun to be around.


Okay, that is all for today! I must now go study. Or try to...

Wish me luck on my exams? Or not?

Just comment about the story? Yeah?

Oh well. Good night everyone! Much love! xx

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