Is This Fate? (Black Veil Brides Fanfic)

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~McKenzie's POV~

"One final fight for this tonight. Whoaa. With knives and pens we've made our plight. Whoaa. Well, I can't go on without your love, you lost, you never held on. We tried our best, turn out the light!" Black Veil Brides blasted through the speakers of my stereo.

My brother banged on the door. "Turn down your devil music!" I rolled my eyes, but turned it down. He'd be leaving for work soon anyways. I'd turn it up then.

I finished getting dressed. I wasn't going anywhere, but I liked to look good just in case some random hot guy's car broke down and he needed to use my house phone. Not likely to happen, but hey. It could.

I was in my Black Veil Brides t-shirt and cloud skinnys, along with zebra striped converses and a bunch of band bracelets: All Time Low, Black Veil Brides, NeverShoutNever, Sleeping With Sirens, and Alesana. My look was completed with dark eyeliner. I hated mascara.

I heard my brother leave. Cool, now I was home alone.

A few minutes later, I heard a loud knock at my front door. Hmm, maybe he forgot something. I went to check.

There stood Andy Biersack.

"Hey," he said in his deep voice. "Do you mind if use your phone? Our bus broke down aound the corner."

Okay, when I explained why I was always dressed, I was kidding. I didn't actually expect a hot guy to come to my front door. Especially not Andy Freaking Biersack.

I realized he was waiting for a response. "Oh, yeah, sure. Uhm. Come on in."

Inviting a stranger into my house while I'm home alone? Okay, probably not a good idea. But come on. Andy. Freaking. Biersack.

I handed him my phone and motioned for him to go ahead and sit on the couch. He did.

I heard another loud knock on the door. Oh, man. Now waiting at my door were the rest of the Black Veil Brides: Ashley Purdy, Jake Pitts, CC, and Jinxx.

"Hello," Ashley grinned, looking me up and down. Turning to face the guys behind him, he spoke again. "Andy sure does know how to pick houses."

Suddenly, Andy was behind me. "Come on Ash, she's just a little girl."

I gritted my teeth. "I am not a little girl," I nearly growled.

Ashley's grin grew. "Well, how old are you then?"

I drew myself up to my ful height of five foot six. "I turn nineteen next week."

Andy's eyebrows rose. "My, you're short for your age."

I let out a small laugh. "No, you're just a giant."

They were all silent for a second, and I began to regret saying that. Then they all burst out laughing.

"She has a point Andy," Ashley giggled and place his arm around my shoulders. I didn't object; he smelled good and he was pretty hot. "So, stranger. You gonna invite us in or what?"

My eyes widened. "Oh, right! Come on in guys."

The four guys piled into my front room, CC, Jinxx, and Jake sitting on the couch and Ashley still with his arm around me.

"Guys," Andy warned, coming to my other side. "Be polite to the girl."

"Oh, right," CC said. "Thank you."

"Thanks," chorused Jake and Jinxx.

"So," Andy began. "I'm Andy. Andy Biersack."

Like I didn't know. "I'm McKenzie. McKenzie Baker."

"I'm Christian!" CC announced, grinning.

"Jake," Jake Pitts declared.

"Jeremy," Jinxx said, grimacing. "But please, call me Jinxx."

"I am Ashley, of course," Ashley told me. "Ashley Purdy."

I almost laughed. "I know who y'all are."

All of their eyes zeroed in on my shirt. It was kind of weird, but yeah. They smiled. "Ooh, a fan," CC was the first to say.

"One that's not freaking out..." murmured Jinxx. "That's such a relief."

I couldn't help but notice they weren't wearing make-up. Which actually made them all hotter, not looking like clowns or KISS.

"Well...should I be? I could totally start jumping around and screaming like a crazy person." I prepared to begin.

Ashley stopped me. "No, we're good."

"You're actually pretty cool," Andy decreed. Awesome.

"Wow, thanks. I kinda wish I could be as cool as you all. I've always wanted to be in a band."

Andy raised his eyebrows. "Oh yeah? What instrument?"

I blushed. "I actually sing, sometimes."

Ashley chuckled. "Wow, just like you, Andy."

Ashley's arm left me and he went to sit on the loveseat. Andy sat beside him. Ashley patted his knee for me to sit. I shrugged and complied. Andy looked troubled.

"So when exactly is your birthday?" CC inquired.

"Next Tuesday. July tenth."

"The day our tour starts?" Jake noted. "That's interesting."

I noticed Ashley and Andy talking behind me. I turned around on Ashley's lap. "What?"

"Well..." Andy began.

"You seem like a nice kid, and you didn't freak out even though you're clearly a fan. You want to go on tour with us and get out of the house? Maybe get a taste of the rockstar life?" Ashley asked excitedly.

I perked up. "Are you serious?"

He grinned. "Hell yeah! You're already eighteen, so you won't need a parent's permission." I didn't bother letting him know I had no parents. "So what do you say?"

They all looked at me expectantly. Well, what could I possibly say? I was sure Brenden would be glad to have a few days without me. "Hell yeah!"

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