Chapter 13:

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Hey! So I wrote this this morning in my Music Business and Recording class. I know, it's pretty short, but at least it's something, right?

I suppose you could consider it a filler chapter, yeah?

Enjoy! (:

Chapter 13:

McKenzie's POV

Starr grinned. “Hey McKenzie. Long time, no see, eh?”

I let out a soft laugh and practically threw myself into my old friend’s arms. She hugged back tightly, pressing her face into my hair. She was a good two inches taller than I. “I missed you so much,” I murmured into her shoulder.

“I missed you too,” she replied, pulling back to look at me. “How have you been?”

I shrugged. “Better now. I, uh, met some people a couple months ago…”

She raised an eyebrow in question. “Someone special?”

I chuckled. “Not in that way, no. But…you’d love to meet them.” I winked, which only added to her confusion and interest.

“What are you talking about? Who was it?”

I acted nonchalant when I answered. “Oh, well, I met a bunch of really cool people when I went on tour with Black Veil Brides-“

“Oh my god, that was you?!” I jumped back at the girl’s loud exclamation. “They kept retweeting stuff on Twitter from people saying they liked the girl that sang on stage with them in Maryland.”

I blushed, pleasantly surprised that people actually liked me. I didn’t have a Twitter, so I knew nothing of this. I explained that to Starr, and she immediately grabbed her laptop from her own desk.

“We are making you a Twitter account,” she explained. “You never know, maybe you’ll get a bunch of followers who recognize you from that show and become famous!”

I laughed at her excited expression. “Yeah, because that’s totally going to happen. So, how does this work…”

We spent the next half hour making my Twitter account and following all of the people I wanted to follow. Then we connected the account to my phone so that I could use it on there. Before we were even finished, I had already been followed back by all of the band members who had met me over the course of the tour. And there were nine Tweets mentioning me.

“@AndyBVB: Hey guys, remember that girl you all loved at our show in Baltimore? Here’s her account @mckenz13”

“@JinxxBVB: Hello everyone! Go follow our good friend @mckenz13 She’s the one we introduced to you in Baltimore!”

“@JakePittsBVB: Our good friend @mckenz13 is new to twitter and needs more followers. You may remember her from Baltimore..”

“@AshleyPurdy: Remember the hottie that sang with us in Baltimore? @mckenz13”

“@riandawson: Hey @mckenz13 !”

“@zackalltimelow: Why have you not followed @mckenz13 yet?”

“@ccbvb: One of my best friends @mckenz13 Follow her. Now.”

“@AlexAllTimeLow: Hey @mckenz13 ! It’s about time you made a Twitter. We’ve been looking for you… ;)”

“@JackAllTimeLow: We found her! We found @mckenz13 ! Life is complete! I can now go masturbate.”

I burst out laughing after reading Jack’s tweet. Starr looked over my shoulder to read it and let out some laughter as well.

“Did you not keep in touch with them or something?” she inquired, reading through the others.

I shook my head sadly. “They got me a phone about a week before tour ended, but I accidentally left it on the bus. So I lost their numbers and all the other numbers I had gotten.”

Starr frowned. “Well, they’re following you now. Direct message them and get their numbers!”
“Direct message?”

“Oh my god, I’ll do it.” She reached around me to click around on my computer, mumbling something about being technologically impaired. I rolled my eyes. She hadn’t changed much.

While she messed about on my computer, I used my phone to tweet back to the guys.

“@McKenz13: riandawson Hey Rian! (:”

“@McKenz13: jackalltimelow Not to me, I hope. xD”

“@McKenz13: alexalltimelow That’s not creepy at all… (;”

“@McKenz13: andybvb @jakepittsbvb @jinxxbvb @ccbvb Thanks guys! (: I miss you all!”

“@McKenz13: @ashleypurdy uh…thank you? (:”

“McKenzie?” I looked up from my phone to see Starr holding up a piece of paper with names and numbers written on it. She smiled. “Let’s get you your friends back.”

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