Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

-*-*-Three Months Later-*-*-

---McKenzie's POV---

Once May rolled around, my second semester at Rochester University was quickly coming to an end and it was nearly time to bid Starr farewell and head home.

Dating Ashley had been quite an adventure. The man was full of surprises, and despite his partying past, he was incredibly romantic. He came to any and every one of my performances that he was able to and spent every Saturday afterwards with me. Starr was close to exploding after complaining about our "cuteness".

As for the other Brides, Jake continued to come hang out with Starr and I when we weren't too busy. He kept her company while I was out with Ashley, and had mini-sleepovers with us before exams, helping us study.

Christian was incredibly happy with his new girlfriend, Lauren. He brought her to meet me, and she was honestly the sweetest, prettiest girl I could hope for my friend to end up with.

Jinxx and Sammie ended up divorcing, which was the worst news I had received in quite some time. When Starr and I heard, we invited him and Jake over for a movie night. It took some time, but he eventually cheered up and also shows up for various performances of ours.

As for Andy, he had come to two shows before he practically disappeared off the face of the earth again. It was quite disappointing, since we had gotten pretty close during their tour, and he had only just come back into my life.

Exams had just ended and Starr and I were packing to go home for the summer. I was going back to the house in North Carolina with Brenden, and Starr was going back to live with her aunt. Her aunt was coming to get her, and Ashley was coming to pick me up and take me home in an effort to get on my brother's good side before being re-introduced as my boyfriend.

"Kenzie!" Starr yelled across the dorm room. "Have you seen my lucky socks?"

My eyebrows pulled together in confusion. "Starr, you don't wear socks."

"Oh... Right! Never mind!" I shook my head and continued folding my clothes and placing them in my suitcase. There was a knock at the door right as I zipped it up.

"Kenzie!" Starr called out again. "Your Prince Charming is here!"

I chuckled and went to answer the door. Sure enough, Ashley stood there, grinning like a madman. "Good afternoon, beautiful." He leaned down to kiss my cheek sweetly, causing me to blush. The man was definitely a gentleman.

"Good afternoon!" I greeted. "I'm almost completely packed. Just gotta make sure I'm not forgetting anything."

"Take your time," he assured me, plopping down on the couch as I rushed back into my room.

I grabbed my two suitcases and took one last look around the room. All that was left were my decorations and various notebooks I had used for classes. I didn't need to take them home, and I'd be returning back to the same room in the fall anyways.

Pulling my bags into the living room, I saw that Starr had finished her packing and was now in there with Ashley, talking about Black Veil Brides' upcoming tour and new album.

Ashley glanced up when he heard me enter. "Ready to go?"

I nodded, smiling lightly. Starr stood and pulled me into a hug. "I'll miss you, Kenzie."

"I'll miss you too, StarrShine." She chuckled at her nickname. "Have a good summer."

We pulled apart and waved shortly at each other before Ashley and I left. He helped me take my bags downstairs and to his car, which was waiting outside.

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