Chapter 3:

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~McKenzie's POV~

Crap. I didn't have any clean skinny jeans.

Oh yeah, I had just washed some. They were on the couch in the den. I could just sneak out there and grab some unnoticed, right? The guys were sleeping in the living room.

Finally I gained up the courage to run out there in my bra and panties, hoping my jeans would be right on top. No such luck. They were on the bottom. I hurriedly dug through the basket. It tipped over and fell on the floor, making a loud crashing sound and letting the clothes all tumble on the floor. "Shit."

Then I heard footsteps in the kitchen and froze. "McKenzie?" asked a deep voice. I slowly looked up to see the dark shape of Andy staring at me. His eyes got wider when he saw what I was wearing.

"Shit," I said again, grabbing the nearest thing I could to cover myself up: a Falling In Reverse t-shirt.

"Oh, I'm sorry." He slowly backed up, trying to look anywhere but at me. Wow, did I look that bad?

I quickly pulled on my purple skinny jeans and the t-shirt I was holding. "Sorry," I said quickly.

He blinked a few times then shook his head as if to clear it. "Don't apologize. My fault..." He trailed off. Then he met my eyes. "You know...I heard you singing in the shower..."

I felt my face grow warm. "Oh, that. Yeah."

"Fallen Angels? Sung it almost as well as I do." He grinned.

I grinned right back. "Oh really? I thought I did better."

He laughed. I decided I liked his laugh. "So where are you going? You got plans today?"

"Oh, yeah. I'm going shopping." His face brightened a little at that. I decided to be nice. "You want to come?"

He looked surprised. "Sure. All of us?" I nodded. "Alright. I'll wake them up." He got a mischievous look. "We could get you birthday presents."

I raised an eyebrow. "I thought the tour was my birthday present?"

He shrugged. "Nah. That was more for Ashley."

At that, my face got hotter and I let out a small laugh. "Really?"

"Yeah, he seems to like you a lot." He seemed like he wanted to say more, but didn't. Before I could push on, another person came in the house.

"McKenzie? You up?" Oh crap. My brother. I shoved Andy onto the pile of clothes on the couch and covered him up.

"Wha-" I shushed him.

"Yeah, I'm up. How was work?" Please don't go in the living room. Please please please.

"It was work," he responded, coming towards me and into the kitchen. "You fixed yourself supper last night, right?"

Yeah, he cared. He had to. Until next week, he was my guardian. "Nah, I wasn't hungry."

He sighed. "Taylor," he said, using my first name and his adult, I'm-in-charge-of-you voice. "You need to start eating."

"Hey, I eat." I always go defensive whenever someone called me anorexic or pointed out my lack of food.

He rolled his eyes. "Alright, whatever. I'm gonna go to bed now. You got plans today?"

"Yeah, I'm going shopping with some friends-" my eyes shot to the pile of clothes. I could just barely see the rise and fall of him breathing. "-but I'm off work."

He rubbed a hand across his face. Yeah, he was tired. Ever since my parents died and he had to take care of me, he worked late nights. "Alright. Drive careful. Call if you need anything, okay?"

"Got it. Good night." He retreated to his bedroom. I pulled Andy out of the clothes. "Sorry about that," I apologized.

"It's cool...who was that?" Thankfully, he whispered.

I pulled him to the living room. "My brother, Brenden. Now we have to be very qui- AH!" I tripped over Jake. Who woke up, yelling, which in turn woke up the rest of the Black Veil Brides. "Hush!" I quietly shushed them. We all paused, me listening for any noise from Brenden's room. Nothing. I let out a breath of relief.

Seeing that he could now talk, Andy said, "Alright guys. We're going shopping with McKenzie."

"In the same clothes?" Ashley asked, reaching up to pat his hair. "And with messed up hair?"

I rolled my eyes but Andy answered. "Our stuff is on the bus."

Jinxx grinned. "Actually, our stuff is on the front porch. We brought it with us."

I simply stared at them. Wow. How had Brenden not seen their bags? Then I sighed. "Alright, change. I'm not really in a hurry."

Ashley came over and placed his arm around my shoulders. "Do you mind if I take a shower?"

I shrugged. "Sure, go ahead. You can use that one-" I pointed to my parents' bathroom. "-It's clean." I was. After the accident, I called someone out here to clean it, and Brenden and I had never set foot in there again. Too painful.

"Sweet." He bent and kissed the top of my head, then went to the front door. Reaching out, he grabbed a bunch of black bags with BVB logos on them. "Here you go guys."

Each guy grabbed his own bag and Ashley retreated to the bathroom. I heard the water start. Then everyone started stripping.

Well, at least they looked good. No six packs, unfortunately, but they were skinny. Oh wait, Jake and CC had six packs. Nice.

Then I burst out laughing. Andy had on Batman underwear. They all stared at me like I was crazy.

"We look that bad?" Jinxx asked, faking being offended.

"No, we look that good," CC answered, strutting over to me and posing. He was wearing only a pair of black skinny jeans. Hmm, not that bad looking.

Then he squeezed me into a hug. I squealed. "Put me down!"

"I'll save you!" said a still nearly naked Andy Biersack. I felt his arms, surprisingly strong, wrap around my waist. Next thing I knew, the two guys were playing tug of war over me. I was giggling like crazy. Jake was cheering on Andy and Jinxx was cheering on CC.

"Hey, hands off. She's mine." This fifth voice came from a very naked Ashley. Well, he had a towel wrapped around his waist. I noticed that he, too, had a six pack, and "OUTLAW" tattooed on him. His wet hair hung down his back.

Feigning fear, Andy and CC dropped me on the couch.

"Uh, hi there!" I grinned at Ashley.

He grinned back. "Hi. Like the view?"

I rolled my eyes. "I'm gonna go straighten my hair while you boys get clothes on." I made my way to my own bathroom.

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