Chapter 2:

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~Andy's POV~

We had been discussing the option of inviting this girl. But Ashley had to go ahead and invite her no matter what.

"Hell yeah!" she finally decided. Well, here comes six months on tour with this chick. Although, I had to admit she was pretty good-looking. Her black hair gleamed almost purple and hung like silk down her back. It looked so soft, I wanted to touch it. But it looked like Ashley already had dibs.

Her blue eyes sparkled like the Carribbean Sea...why am I talking like this? Geez, after only ten minutes with the girl and I'm already talking like fucking Nicholas Sparks.

I cleared my throat, interruptin their excited chatter. "Shouldn't we get back to the bus?"

Jake rolled his eyes. Ashley waved my statement away. "It'll be fine. But you can go back if you want to, of course."

I sighed, stood, and left. One of us had to be responsible.

At the bus, the tow truck and our tour manager stood waiting.

"Don't worry Andy," he assured me. "We'll get this fixed. You got another ride?"

I nodded. "We'll figure something out." He shrugged and he, the tow truck, and the bus left. I made my way back to the girl's house.

When I reentered, Ashley's arms were around the girl, who was lying back against him. They were all watching Jeff Dunham Spark of Insanity. Nice.

I cleared my throat and they all glanced at me. "The bus has been taken care of."

"Sweet," Ashley commented. The girl - Mickey? - giggled and he grinned. "That means we can stay here as long as we want."

"As long as...uh...she lets us," I corrected, trying to cover up the fact that I didn't know her name.

She raised an eyebrow at me. "You already forgot my name?" Uh oh, she caught me. She sighed. "McKenzie."

Ah, right. That was it. "Got it." I replaced my tush on the couch beside Ashley and McKenzie.

"So..." Ash said, nudging her. "You gonna let us stay, Mickey Mouse?" She rolled her eyes at the name, but shrugged. Ash pumped his fist in the air, the resumed to snuggling with the quiet girl who had easily let a group of men into her house.

"Hey, uhm, McKenzie?" She flicked her eyes over to me. "You do realize how dangerous it is to let in a group of strange grown men, right?"

The guys all laughed and Ashley and Jinxx started messing with her like creepers. She rolled her eyes. "While you are stange, you aren't exactly strangers. You kind of...saved my life." She bit her lip, like she was trying not to cry.

Ashley met my eyes, obviously taken aback by her answer. The rest of the band had started ignoring Walter on screen and were now watching this beautiful girl with curiosity and worry.

Beautiful? Stop thinking like that.

"How so?" Christian asked, genuinely concerned. "You didn' know...?"

She didn't answer, only grimaced. Gently, I grabbed her right hand and stretched out her arm, sliding back the band bracelets she obviously used to cover up something. The guys - and I - gasped at the sight.

There were scars blemishing her beautiful skin; a lot. She quickly jerked her arm back.

"It's nothing," she murmured, pretending to watch Jeff Dunham again.

"Hey," I said gently. Her brilliant blue eyes flicked to meet my gaze. "We are good listeners if you want to talk about it."

She chewed on her lower lip for a short while. The guys were still focused on her own - now hidden - with curiosity.

She finally sighed and stood. "I think I'm fine," she snapped at me. I drew back at her sudden hostility. "I'm going to bed. It's getting late. You guys can sleep in here if you'd like..." With that, she turned on her heel and strode to the opposite end of the house.


I glanced around in the near darkness. The other guys had all fallen asleep; Jinxx stretched out on the love seat, his foot dangling in Jake's face, who was snoring on the floor. Ashley had claimed the sofa, but Christian had apparently decided to share. I was in the rocking chair, unable to sleep. I checked the time: half past six in the morning.

What was that sound? I stood and followed my ears to the sound of a shower running and an angel's voice.

Ironically, the angel was singing Fallen Angels. It made my heart melt. Then I realized who it must be: McKenzie.

She really could sing? Well, interesting. I was so going to use that to my own advantage.

I didn't want to bother her so I just went back to the living room and collapsed back on the rocking chair. Almost immediately, I fell asleep.

That is, until I heard a crash and "Shit."

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