Chapter 10:

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Yes, it's back! Whoo!

Now this chapter might be a little crappy, but I do have an excuse. I've been sick since Tuesday, it is now Friday. I haven't been to school since Tuesday. So instead of lounging around watching little kid shows (honestly, that's all that comes on in the mornings) I'm writing this for you all who have been waiting for months now.

Thank you for being patient with me. (:


--Three weeks later--

~McKenzie's POV~

I woke up to a pillow being smacked against my face.

I glared up at CC, who grinned. "Time to get up Kenzie. If I'm up, you know it's late." I rolled my eyes, but he was right.

Groaning, I swung my legs over the side of the bunk and dropped down. "What time is it?"

"Es la una!" Sammy yelled from the front of the bus. Yes, Jinxx's new bride had joined us about a week after I did. Which was three weeks ago.

I chuckled at her attempt at speaking Spanish and made my way up front with her and the band. Ashley wolf-whistled when I came into view.

I rolled my eyes. "What, Purdy?"

The man grinned and winked. "I see you slept in late for beauty sleep, looking as good as that."

I snorted while the others burst into laughter. "That was just awful, Ashley," I chuckled.

You're probably wondering what happened in the past three weeks to make me so cheerful when I was so depressed before. Well, to make the long story short, the boys all cheered me up and we became great friends. I loved them all; Jinxx and his unending kindness; Ashley and his endless list of pick-up lines and flirt tactics; Jake and his tendency to act like a big brother; CC and his hilarious jokes - or at least jokes he thought were hilarious. And Andy. He was always there. He was easier to relate to since he was the closest to my age. Needless to say, I was glad these boys had come into my life.

True to their word, on my birthday they had taken me to a tattoo shop. But I didn't stop there. In the past three weeks, I had gotten seven tattoos in various places. I was quite proud of them.

Anyways, back to the current moment. The tour was almost over; two days left to be exact. I was a little sad to be leaving them - okay, a lot. But Jake had gone out and gotten me a cell phone so I could stay in touch with them and the other bands I had gotten the chance to meet.

I couldn't wait to see my brothers again. I missed them a heck of a lot. I was pretty used to barely seeing Dylan, but I was also used to seeing Brenden every single day. We did Skype whenever we were at a place with WiFi, but it's just not the same.

I hadn't noticed I was zoning out until Andy snapped his fingers in front of my face. I shook myself and focused on the tall boy. "Hm?"

He chuckled. "We're about to go in for soundcheck. You coming?"

"Oh, yeah!" I jumped up and ran quickly to the back room to change. Luckily, I pulled on my red skinny jeans and All Time Low shirt before Ashley peeked in.

"Damn," he grumbled. I burst into giggles and pulled on my black Vans.

"Sucks for you, Purdy-boy." I sauntered back into the main part of the bus.

Andy grinned at my shirt. "What a coincidence."

I raised an eyebrow. "What are you talking about?"

"We're here to meet the band!" a somewhat familiar voice called. But I had no idea where I'd heard it before. Were we back in North Carolina? But what did that have to do with my shirt?

I glanced up at the schedule. Nope, we were in Maryland. My eyes widened as I glanced from my shirt, to the name of the state, to the doorway, over and over again.

Jake chuckled. "Come on in bro!"

There in the doorway appeared Jack Barakat and Zack Merrick. "Sup guys?" Jack greeted, plopping himself on the couch like he lived here. The hell?

Zack noticed me standing there and smiled politely. "Hi there, I'm Zack." His eyes then trailed down to my shirt and his smile grew to a grin. "But I'm sure you knew that."

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah yeah. No need to be so humble."

Jack chuckled from the couch. "I like you. You're not like most fans."

"I've been with Black Veil Brides for the past three weeks," I pointed out. "It changes you," I added mysteriously.

I heard CC's hilarious laugh behind me and I turned around. "We're not that crazy," he said between laughs.

I shrugged and turned back to Zack. "So, where's the other two guys?"

"Outside. Want to meet them?"

I smirked, then got a great idea. "Oh my gosh, yes! Let me go get my twenty posters so I can get you all to sign them! Oh! My! Gosh!"

Zack and Jack both stared at me in shock and semi-horror. "Uh..."

I stopped squealing and grinned. "Just messing around. Let's go, yeah?"


Tada! Now we're getting somewhere. Kinda. WHOO!

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