The Hamburger Challenge with Mum and Daddy!!!

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When mum finally finished with her 100 million year dance practice, I still remain on the balcony seat. Flipping through my deck of cards I had bought a little while back, I accidently dropped the queen over the balcony. "Oh fiddle sticks!" I said

. I tend to stay out of trouble when alone as well but, sometimes, I'm just quiet me. I look all the way down at the ground. The card landed row 9. I leaned over too much that I flipped over. "Oh my gosh!" I screamed. Luckily everybody was backstage tending to costumes, I let out a gasp. It's okay, hanging from a balcony with my hand slipping from sweat, my arms are giving in, Liam could've given me more mussle, yup everything is okay! My hand slipped and I was able to catch myself with my other hand in time. Felt like I was in a movie. Oh, how did they solve this problem. Oh yeah, someone grabs their hand. Anyone? I could feel the blood rushing down to my armpit. MY arm finally gave in and there I fell. Okay Geogia, land on your feet! Well, I didn't. There I go, falling on what would look like a nice red carpet but a cement bottum. I landed on the hard floor. No, don't worry, I got hurt, but I am not broken. Except for maybe my legs... "OWW!" I scream. One of the people came rushinng on the stage. She stopped for a minute and put her hand over her mouth. She starts jumping up and down. Is she happy? "Dani- Danie- Dani- DANIELLE!!!!!" she ran off stage in a panic. It was maybe a minute before mum came. She spotted me right away and she jumped off that stage like a lightning bolt, but she landed in the orchestra pit. Yup, we're related. But, she landed on her feet. She ran up the stairs and came up to me. She squated down on the ground where I lyed uncomfortably. "Someone! Please, call 911!" she yelled holding my hand and dialing someone on the other. People ran all around.

"Hey! I need you now!!" Mum yelled into the phone. I couldn't hear much but mum saying those 5 words. She finally hung up and said "Oh sweetie, it's okay. You are going to be treated soon. I promise." she sqeezed my hands tighter. I just closed my eyes. My pain was hurting more than ever. I will still find a way to get into trouble, I will!

I had woken up in a hospital room. These places sure stink. My leg was wrapped in this bandage type thing. What the heck?

"Sweetie you are awake! How are you feeling?" Mum came out from the bathroom.

"Good, I guess."

"Oh, you broke your foot, you must stay here for 2 days to see if things get better. But, don't worry, I have some lunch for you. I know you were starving."

I looked down at my feet. My legs were wrapped and so were my feet.

"Mum, where are my converse?" I asked.

"Honey, I have them in my purse." she dug through and pulled one out.

"Okay." I laid my head back "So, where's the food?"

"It's coming.." she said.

"What? I need to eat now." I raised the bed up some so I could lay back but look at her.

"I know, I know, it should be here any minute." Mum looked at her watch.


That knock wasnt just any knock, it was a framiliar "Im home!" knock. Mum got up and winked at me. Who was it? She opened the door to the most wonderful person on this earth (besides my mum) he was warm, he came around, he was dignified. Mouth open as I lye in that bed. My neck turned to my right. No movement. That is when my wonderful daddy walked in the hospital with our food.

"Why hello there? Remember me?" Liam said jokingly.

"OH MY...DADDY!" I squeeled as I throughout my arms to hug him.

"OH HI THERE MY BEAUTIFUL GEORGIA ROSE PAYNE!! OH I MISSED YOU SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO MUCH. ABOUT INFINITE SO'S!!!!!!!!" Liam wrapped his arms around me tighter. I started to cry so I put my face in his shoulder. He stroked his hands through my brown hair. I didn't want to eat anymore, I didn't want to let go at all. I wish I could do this everyday. I finally let go after like 10 minuutes. Then Liam went over to mum and well did the same.

"Whose hungry?" he said holding a bag of food from Za Hambregur.

"ME!" I said feeling a little bit hungry again.

"Me also" Mum said.

Liam pulled out 10 hamburgers.

"Liam?" Mum said pointing to them all.

"Food contest? Who's up for it?" Liam said.

"I am!!!" I yelled.

"Oh, Liam I don't think it's safe. Especially since-" Mum said.

"Relax babe. It's okay." Liam said.

Liam gave me 2 huge hamburgers, Mum 2, and him 2.

"Whoever is the trooper gets those 4 hamburgers to take home. Clear?" Liam said. He is totally doing something that I would do!

"On your mark..." Liam said.

"Get set..." Mum added.

"GO!" I yelled.

We all eagerly unwrapped the burgers and ripped our teeth into them. Ahhh the ketchup, some mustard, lettuce, tomatoes, pickles, onions, this is the works! I had almost finished my half. Liam was down to his last bite and mum was still picking on the first bite. This is war! I gotta get eatin'.

I finally finshed my first hamburger and I was stuffed. But, I didn't give up, I need those hamburgers more than anybody! I checked on Liam and he threw the wrapper in the air where Mum was working on the half. She is definetly not going to win. I took a huge bite in the hamburger just to get it over with. Ughh... I am sickly full. If I drop this hamburger, it will mean I loose. Liam was on the half already but, it looked like he was dying. I was about to die too. I couldn't do this I dropped it. I died. Liam dropped his too and fell back. We both looked at mum with her mustardy face. She dropped her hamburger and took a napkin to wipe her face. "Well you know what they say Liam, slow and steady wins the race." she swallowed. We both looked at her with envy. She got up and grabbed the 4 hamburgers.

"Great for a picnic right?" she joked.

"More like a feast love." Liam said.

I was so glad! Even though I am lying in this hospital bed with a broken leg or two. I had my family and that's all that could make me happy!

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