Thanksgiving x

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Happy Thanksgiving :) BTW THIS IS LIKE A COUPLE MONTHS LATER FROM WHEN I STARTED OUT IN THE PREVIOUS CHAPTERS. :) yes, im aware that British people don't celebrate thxgiving but who cares its a fanfic. :)


I sat at the dinner table while mum socialized with some of her dance friends.


"Oh, the turkey is ready!" Mum got up and walked into the kitchen. It was Thanksgiving and I was mad. I didn't want mum's ignorant friends here. I wanted just Liam and Me and Mum. But, Mum's friends just "had available time" to spend the afternoon on Thanksgiving. The living room turned silent and it was awkward. I didn't know any of these ladies and nor were they welcome to be here.

"So, Georgia how old are you?' one of them asked.

"13 going on to 14 to be exact." I said seriously.

One of them smiled, and the others laughed. It wasn't even that funny.

Mum finally rested the turkey on the table, the last dish.

"Oh this is lovely." a lady named Ashly said. I walked behind mum and mimicked what she said.

"Oh, thanks you Danielle. What a lovely day to be here. If only Liam could join." Danielle's dance partner smiled.

Everybody was passing dished to eachother and sipping their tea, but I wasn't. I scolded at both of them. They probably never wanted to be here, they just wanted to be here for Liam. I finally let out from what was holding in forver.

"That's it! You guys are ignorant, selfish people who just wanted to be here for my daddy and the food. Well, you know what? You don't get Liam because he is somewhere else. So, too bad." Isat back down calmly and pouted. The dining room was silent and everybody stared at me.

"Georgia, may I talk to you in the kitchen please?" mum said in a stern manner. I got up and stood in front of the stove.

"What happened?!" Mum asked.

"Your "friends" aren't here for you, they are here for Liam and your food. Dreams are like stars. You may never touch them but, if you follow them, they will lead you to your destiny. We need to be with daddy, not your friends. You haven't followed that star." I said.

"Oh c'mon Georgia, you are just missing daddy too much that's all." Mum patted my head.

"But mum dream are like-" I got cut off.

"Stop it Georgia. It's nonsense love, and I miss daddy as much as you do, but he is just busy." Mum started to walk away then stopped after I stated again:

"Dream are like stars-" mum lost it. She came back to me in a storm.

"Where are you getting this ridiculous quote from anyways?!!" She yelled loud enough for her friends in the other room to stop clinging their forks.

"Daddy! Daddy told me that quote, he tells me it all of the time, you just never listen because you have been too busy to. You don't care obviously by the way you said how ridiculous it is so be it!" I cried and stormed off to my bedroom leaving mum speechless.

I turned on my bedroom light and threw myself on the ground. I was feeling emotional all at once, I kissed 2 guys in my life failing at my goal, a dad who isn't home a lot, and a mum who doesn't listen. I hate my life, officially. This isn't suppose to be how I planned for it to. I covered my face and started to cry. Maybe it was also because I have been going through some rough phases with Liam being gone. There isn't anyone to pass the turkey to. I couldn't take the nonsense anymore. I grabbed my coat and a bag of stuff and went downstairs.

"Where are you going darling?" One of mum's friends asked.

"No where!" I ran out the door and everybody rushed to try and get me. This was by far one of the worst Thanksgivings ever! I hate myself for it!

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