I'm All His

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My shoes splashed as I stepped into a muddy puddle making a goopy sound and all I see is the lights of cars go by. I stared at the ground thinking to myself "What the heck happened?" Well this town has surley fell apart. This was the future and the past is gone as I am still walking as a young 13 year old girl on the grassy road. I didn't have anywhere to go and my hope was giving up. I walked into the middle of the street ready to die when a voice from behind caught my attention. Ben was there screaming for me to get out of the road. He looked as his 13 appearance too. I stood shoockingly as he was ready to dive at me to save me from a huge truck coming towards me. He ran to me and pushed me onto the muddy grass as the truck went over. was he dead? As the truck drove by, I couldn't see much but a broken heart....

I woke up with heavy breaths following one after another. I found myself alseep on Ben's floor. I started to cry, it was just a dream... I held myself close and whimpered. Ben jumped out of bed and squated next to me "Hey, are you ok?" I looked up with tears costantly coming out of my eyes. "Oh Ben..." I grabbed him with both of my arms. I held on tightly and made sure I wouldn't let go. My tears dropped down my cheek and onto his shirt. He looked at my eyes and said "It's ok, I'm here ."

While Ben's mom stayed home all day trying to reach my mum, I went out and ran some errands with Ben. Luckily he lived close to a shopping town. I felt kind of bad for not knowing my own address... I mean only someone so stupid could not know that... Guess that makes me stupid. While I was with Ben.. It was like i had forgotten everything that happened at home like the fact that One Direction's your bus got hit and daddy was some how injured. When we were suppose to go to see him, we couldn't because of stupid flights canceled. I know that I had run away from home... Everything's happening and going by so fast its like I'm forgetting more everyday. It's like Peter, Michael, and Wendy. When they were in Neverland, they forgot everything at home.

"Wait here-" Ben told me.

"Woof." I said sarcastically.

"Look, I just need to get two things and BOOM! Outta the store." He said.

I waited next to a shopping cart looking out at the sunny which is now December sky.

"Hi, I'm Josh. I wanted to know if you would go out with me." Some big guy with black silky hair, big brown eyes, and those big glasses came up to me out of the blue.

"Excuse me?" I looked at him with my eyebrows raised.

"Will- you - go- out- with- me?!" He said as if I was dumb.

"Knock it off would you?" I pushed him away.

"Dude c'mon its a yes or no question. "

"I'm sorry, but you are obviously really stupid. The answer is no. Back off." I started walking away when suddenly he grabbed my arm and squeezed it really hard.

"GET OFF!" I said. Ok first of all, I'm waiting outside of a random store when randomly a stupid boy asks me out, can you tell me thats not normal...

"ANSWER THE FRIKIN QUEStion!" I said with his face up to mine.

That's when Ben walked out and saw me gripped tight to some boy forcing me to as wet a stupid "yes or no" question.

"Hey hands off." Ben walked over to us "Josh, screw it!" Josh let go of my arm and ran away.

"You know that freak?" I said shaking my arm off.

"Yeah he has like really weird problems . I don't know what? But, his whole family is pretty sick. " Ben said walking closer to my side a we headed back home.

"Thanks for getting him off of my back." I said.

"No problem... I don't want anyone touching you. You're all mine." He winked.

Soooo.... Was he saying that we were boyfriend and girlfriend .... Who would have thought that Georgia Rose Payne would end up being with Ben Johnson... From Jerkville... Or should I say... Careville... Talk about change right?

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