I'm Half a Heart Without You

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I kept my head held high and my tears back as I got farther and farther away from my house. Mum was running behind me so I picked up the pase. 

"Georgia Rose Payne you get back here!" Mum kept running.

I turned back at her and stopped. Mum stopped too.

"Mum, what's the point? You never take the time to listen to me. You always say how missing daddy, we should just get use to but I don't think it's something we just have to get used to, one of our family members are missing and you say to just get used to it. No!" I started to run some more. 

"Georgia it's not what you think! I don't mean it like that." Mum yelled farther in a distance.

"People say that all the time! Doesn't mean it's also true!" I ran as fast as I could away from everybody.

I turned around about 3 minutes after a few blocks to find that the only thing behind me was my own footsteps following me. Was I really not worth it for her. Does she not care about me anymore. Obviously not. If she really did care she'd come looking. I started to walk back home but then stopped to notice why should I come back to her when really she should come back to me? I started to run again. Farther and farther away. Each footstep was a hateful or strong word that I felt the need to cry about but I held it in and let it out with my feet. My hair flew in the way each time but I flipped it out of the way. I watched as the sky turned from blue to black and I kept walking. At this point I had no idea where I was nor how to get back home. I wanted to go back home in my warm house with my mum and Loki and my bed. Boy, I miss my bed. The warm fuzzy sheets and quilts. I have double of each cause I get colder than anyone during the night. But, I think what I miss most is my mum. I mean ofcourse I miss daddy he is my rock. But, mum is the one who is watching over me and I need her back. I looked for a place to sit. There was nothing near except for a bush. The bush looked lonely sitting there on the side of the road just like me. I dragged myself over there and sat down. I wonder what mum's doing right now. Could she be crying, or could she be asleep in the lonely house I have yet to find. I looked through my bag to see what I had packed. All it was is a scrap book. Mum and Daddy must've made it when I was younger. The first picture showed an x-ray of me in my mum's stomach. Then it showed me through the years as I got older. The last pic was me and mum in daddy all together in front of big ben. The back of the book had some words I could hardly read but I could see it.

"Moments in time, I'll find the words to say before you leave me today" 

I stared at them carefully and right away recognized what the song was. A tear streamed down my face. I thought "If we could only have this life for one more day, if we could only turn back time" that's what I thought and it was true. I wanted my real life back. When I was happy and I was with my family. But, another life has taken over and my other was has gone. The tear hit my lip and I licked my lips to taste the salt. I put the scrapbook on the ground and rested my head on it. I closed my eyes and tried to go to sleep but I couldn't. I couldn't because water kept falling out of my eyes and it just wouldn't stop. 

And I'll be gone, gone tonight. The ground beneath  my feet is open wide the way that I've been holding on too tight with nothing in between!

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