Making Sandwhiches

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We left the airport knowing there wasn't anything we could do. I didn't think that it would come to the time when I would leave the airprot feeling miserable and upset. Whenever I seem to be very miserable, I get sick. Right now, I'm not feeling so hot. Mum called daddy on the way home. He didn't pick up so she left a message.

"Hey, it's Dani. Please call when you can because we just left the airprot now. Love you!"

she hung up.

"Mum." I asked.


"Ehhh. I don't feel good.'

"You probably need to drink some water. Here I brought a bottle in one of those bags."

I reached in and pulled out a waterbottle. I wish I was it right now. It doesn't know how to feel hurt or how much you miss someone. I took a sip, but that didn't make matters better nor myself. I decided to take another nap. It took me less than five minutes to fall asleep.

When I had awoken, I found myself in bed with a paper taped to my forhead.

"Dear Georgia,

I went somewhere but, I'll be back. Make some sandwhiches. One of my friends are coming over this afteroon. Please try not to make a mess.... I mean it! Bye <3"

I dragged myself out of bed and walked downstairs to the kitchen. I took out some bread, ham, and cheese and don't forget the mayo. I took two pieces of bread and squirted the mayo out of the bottle. I put a little too much on my sandwhich and it spilled all over the counter. I will clean it up later! I added 4 prices of ham if that is a little too much... And a piece of cheese! I put them on two plates and cleaned up all of the stuff. I better go do some homework. I sat down on the couch and opened up my binder full of papers.

It was only minutes later before mum and her friend got home. Luckily, I had managed to finish most if my make-up work and some homework!

"Hey sweetie! This is Alice. She is going to be staying for some lunch and the we are going to go to the mall! I am willing to buy you some stuff! But, thanks for making the sandwiches wanna eat?" Mum said. "Sure thing!" Alice seemed upbeat and nice, the kind if personality I have.

"Georgia honey, please clean this up!" Mum noticed the mayo I forgive to get! "K" I yelled. Mom poured drinks and sat down with AlIce. I was still in the kitchen. I took my hands and cupped then together as i watched the water fill up in my hands. Before all of the water dropped out, I poured it all over the counter. It made a bigger mess now. I decided to take a mop that was in the closet and wipe the floors down and for the counter, a towel. Ok, I think that I have it all! I decided to sit with Mum and Alice. Alice looked older than twenty but younger than 40.

"Yes, I have a son named Craig. He is very sweet! I think your Georgia would like Craig as a good friend to hang out with at rehearsals!" Alice suggested .

"Yeah, but Georgia, likes to be alone to herself during rehearsals." Mum obviously doesn't get that I have no one to talk to which is why I am alone! I just smiled and nodded the whole way through their boring little conversation. Hmmm... I wonder if Craig and I would get along?? Someone can easily get on my nerves ... VERY EASILY!

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