The Make-Out

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I had arrived at the rehearsals at the theatre again. I wouldn't be here right now if it wasn't for the stupid rain! I spotted Alice. I was looking forward to meeting this Craig guy..

"He's over there sweetie!" Alice pointed to a boy sitting in the seats. I haven't seen a guy like him ever. His big blue eyes first got me. Then, his thick black hair really pulled it off. I was speechless walking over to such a beauty.

"Um..hi?" I said quietly.

"Oh hi are you Liam Payne's daughter?!" He asked.

"Yeah! Are you a fan?"

"Yeah!" He's a guy directioner, I am freakin' out.

I was curious what he thought if me. It seemed as though he was flirting!

We were laughing and at one point we looked into each other's eyes at the same time! I blushed at that thought.

"Um.. Have u-" I got cut off by his addicting stare.

"Have I what....?" He looked into my eyes. I lost my train of thought.

I shook my head. He chuckled and swung his arm around me. I blushed. But, no! I do not have a crush on him. He is just really cute.

"So um, do you wanna sneak out. Cause, you know, I am sorta a bad boy." He announced. I rolled my eyes at the statement. "No, I don't want to sneak out. My mum wouldn't know where I'd be. Besides, I don't care."

"C'mon your mum wouldn't notice, she is too busy dancing." I rolled my eyes. So, this is what it feels like to be peer pressured. I pulled out a bottle of water and started to drink really quickly.

"Uh, what are you doing?" He asked.

I took a big gulp "Oh, this is how I normally drink." I couldn't think of any other way to distract him from the thought. He gave a big stare at me as I continued to drink.

"You know what? C'mon." He grabbed my hand and off we went.

We ran out into the hallways. We both laughed. He grabbed my hand and raised it up. I looked at him weirdly.

"You are suppose to go under." He pointed. I looked him for a second and then turned under. Then, he was suppose to give me a duck down but, we both landed on top of each other sort of . I didn't try to get up, it felt kind of nice the way his shoulder lay on top if my chest. He looked down at me and his face got closer to mine. Wa he going to kiss me? I leaned closer to him then our lips touched. I counted how many seconds the kiss lasted like last time Ben and I kissed. 1....2...3...4...5....6...7....8...9...10...11.. An eleven second kiss. But, I noticed that I stopped counting but, he kept going. I seemed to have forgotten everything at the moment. I closed my eyes finally and he tangled his hands in my long brown hair. I realized that i had zoned out for a minute and the I pulled away. I got up and started pacing.

"We're we making out?!" I promised myself no love until I reached High School!

"Maybe. Hey come here you have something on your cheek." He motioned me to come to him. I trusted him to get whatever was on my cheek off but, instead, he kissed it. I pushed him and his head hit the wall.

"Stop please!" I got annoyed. Mum always told me that boys hormones go crazy when they reach their teens. Yeah, now I know.

I ran back into the theatre leaving the boy with big blue eyes, and thick brown hair behind. As I ran though, I realized who I really loved...

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