Daddy Off to the Airport

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This title of the chapter pretty much tells what this chapter is about....... enjoy it. Well, try...


The dinner was totally silent and I never touched anything. Still wiping the kiss off of my cheek, I pretty much tore up my napkin.

"Georgia sweetie, what the heck are you doing?' Liam asked popping a carrot into his mouth.

"Um.. well, just you know...making sure my cheek is really dry so I can.. try this new facial creme I bought.. yeah..." I trailed off. "Now if you would excuse me, I need to go put it on.. like now!" I excused myself from the table and then mum called me.

"Georgia! You are going to eat your dinner!" Mum ordered.

"But, I am not hungry." I demanded.

"So? Would if you're starving later?"

"I will go downstairs and eat that mac and cheese." I said running up the stairs. I could hear Liam talking to mum.

"Don't force her to eat dear." Liam said to mum.

"Honey, I just wanted to make things go well for your last day. I am just not ready for you to leave yet. Are you sure it's been 2 days yet?" mum said.

"Yes love. I am sorry but I am going to have to leave tomorrow early morning to catch the plane." Liam grabbed mum's hand.

"Okay, help me clean off the table pweaaaze." mum begged.

"Oh alright."

When the conversation ended I ran to my room and lied on my bed. I can't bare seeing Liam walking off to leve us for another month or so! I was so overwhelmed with everything! First of all, I am not ready for a relationship. Second of all, I am not ready for Liam to go. I rolled over on my side and looked out to the front yard of my house. It was a beautiful cut lawn with tulips and roses up to the patio and the fine gnome that stood in front of the stairs to greet people when they walked into our house. There was a green hose wrapped and hung on the side of the house ad the little frog fountain that gave the yard a shine. The cute little mailbox that stood there quietly waiting for a visit. There was a Britsh flag that hung on our porch. But last but not least, my favorite feature, a rock lying in our garden. It was a special rock that Liam had given mum and I for Christmas. It was the best that completed our yard. That rock always made me smile. The rock had a little bit of writing on it as it said

"Whether we're together of apart we can both remove the masks and admit we regret it from the start!" Those words meant something to me and now that Liam is going back in tour again, I can always look at that rock and think everything will be okay!!

It was morning and I had tried to sleep as late as I could so Liam could stay longer but, I didnt want him to miss his plane so I got up around 6:10 and dragged myself downstairs. I wasn't hungry but, mum made a big breakfast so I wanted to have a proper last breakfast with daddy.

"Goodmorning love!" Liam said kissing my head.

"Hi." I said.

Mum didnt bother to say hello. She was working her butt off with breakfast and couldn't be bothered but she admired me with a smile.

"Fruit!" She said placing three bowls on the table.

We all sat down and ate our fruit and mum went back into the kitchen.

*after a few smoke alarms ago*

"Sorry I burnt the bacon but breakfast is served." Mum said laying the plates down in front of Liam and I.

"Orange juice sweetie?" Mum asked me.

"Yeah" i nibbled at my food but, I tried to eat as much as I could.

"Coffee!" Liam ordered next.

We all sat down and te our big breakfast. When we all had finished eating I knew it was getting closer to a goodbye. Liam ran upstairs making sure he had everything packed and I hugged mum close because we were both crying inside. Mum grabbed her keys to drive Liam to the airport. When Liam had made his 1,000 trips up ad down the stairs carrying his "luggage" we packed everything up in the car and off we went...

"Thank you! Thanks for letting me come to spend a lovely time with you! Georgia it was such a miracle to see you walkin again! And oh Danielle! It was a delight to be with you. All of you!" Liam started to cry and we all started to. He held both of our hands with his and we both cried in harmony.

There it is. British Airways. I wasn't ready! I didnt want Liam to leave but it's for the fans and he has the best!

"Got all of the stuff?" Mum said wiping her nose.

"Yeah love. But before I go, I have something for you both."

Liam pulled out two bags.

Mum pulled out a new charm for her charm bracelet. It was a British flag to represent "I'll be home soon!" And for me... It was... Our Moment?

"It's a perfume lovely! our perfume!" Liam explained.

Then Liam checked the time and he had to go.

"Thanks daddy! Oh I will miss you I will miss you but, I have a little something for you too. I had pulled out a shiny blue rock that I had found in the creek one day. I had wrapped it in a peice of paper. The paper said:

"You know I know you know I'll remeber you and I know you know I hope you'll remeber me!"

Liam started to cry and hugged me so tight.

Then he approached mum. He kissed and hugged her as much as with me and then he grabbed his bags and left. It was a simple goodbye but I couldn't expect nothing more! There goes my daddy, Liam Payne!!

Whether we're together or apart we can both remove the masks and admit we regret it from the start!!

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