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It sucks for me that I only have one class with Rebecca and that class has Ben in there too... Along with my other friends ... Pshh yeah they are my friends. I love making friends!


Since middle school started, at first it was a big deal

"OMG! It is Liam Payne's daughter!" And they all wanted autographs and being my friend. Liam's number... It was chaos! They had their phones an iPods and cameras . When 7th grade came, more and more people drifted away from me and my "fandom" went down. That's what they called it... I dunno. Now 8th grade came and only the 6th graders are so wowed that I go to their school. Since everybody wanted to be my friend at the beginning of the year, you are probably wondering how Rebecca came to be. Well, she said she wasn't a fan of One Direction and that she likes me for me. Which is what I look for when picking my friends. Someone who is true. Then Ben? Well he bullied me so it was so obvious he didn't care.

At lunch, Rebecca and I usually meet somewhere and sit down to eat but, she didn't today. Maybe absent? I shrugged and grabbed a seat. Fiddle sticks! I had to buy a lunch! Gross from what I see Rebecca eat, it looks gross. As I went through the line in the Deli section, I got a turkey and cheese sandwich with , what's their vegetables? At our school, we were required to get a vegetable if we were buying lunch. AND we had to eat it. If you were allergic, that's the only time you can not eat the vegetable and they'll make sure that if you are faking to be allergic to this vegetable or that by checking the book of allergies. Basically what that is, is a big binder with lots of papers. At the beginning of the school year they have us take home this paper and fill out what we are allergic to and not. So, that's why they wouldn't tell us why it was "SOOOOOOO IMPORTANT!!!!!!!"

I looked at the sign where it said "VEGETABLES" I looked down. Do I dare to see it was "avocados..." Oh man. I love guacamole but just straight avocados? No thank you.

Ok... I am just gonna take this and cram it down my mouth to get it over with. If you are telling me to go throw it away... They take this way too far, they have trashcan duty to make sure you are not throwing away your vegetable.

As I walked to take a seat I approached Ben .

"Hello Georgia. So I see you got the vegetable of the day on your tray.

"No , it is the starch of the day!" I sarcastically said.

"Geeze, ok I am sorry. Wanna sit down? I need to talk to you." Ben sat down and I did too.

"What?" I asked.

"Ok, since we are *coughs* friends, I wanted to say that I need help with girls. There is this girl I like and she is super hot! I want to make a move. Help me?" Ben asked.

Was I feeling jelouse? Nah. Was this awkward? Yes. Also mentioning the fact that I was singing Liam's solo from Kiss You in my head. And if you, you want me to? Lets make a move.

"Ok?" I gave in. What was I suppose to do? Let him fail?

"Thank you so much Georgia!" Ben squeezed me tight.

"Get off." I said.

"Sorry!" He smiled.

I faked smiled. Ok so how am I planning to do this. I already told Ben yes so I don't want to break his heart.

"She is over there." Ben pointed.

"Ok now go over there an talk to her." I don't really know how to help him . I started biting my lip.

"Um... Georgia? I don't have the courage to." He said.

"Well build it up." I said. As i was "helping" him , I realized we are friends. I never really realized after our "relationship" .

I stared into his eyes. Snap out of it Georgia. Just friends. I whispered that over and over to myself.

"Georgia I can't" Ben whined.

"Ya you can!" I pushed him all the way over to the girl he liked.

I saw them flirting and laughing with each other. My work here is done. i walked away with my head down. Was I jelouse? Maybe a little bit but who cares right... Psh I mean like not me! I bit my lip as one of my side bangs fell in my face. I blew as it whooshed to the side and came back to my face. I pulled a bobby pin from my pocket and took my side bangs and clipped them back. What? Since I have side bangs , they get in the way sometimes and so I pull them back. I feel like I have been punched in the stomach... Oh wait.

"Ooooooooofffff!!!" I held my stomach tight and fell to the ground.

"I am so sorry! Are you ok?" A boy helped me up. It felt like I have seen him. It was Craig!

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