A Person That Came To Me

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After having a talk with BOTH of my parents yesterday, I decided that I needed to talk to Ben instead of my parents because although, talking to my parents would be better; Ben was just... Ehh... I guess my head said I really needed to let words out to. But, I am afraid of talking to him ever since I pretty much yelled at him. He probably hates me now. Just act cool. Shoot that will make him like me more...

I slammed my locker door when I saw him walking down the hallways with his friends I hesitated to do anything so I put my head in my locker. That's how I got him last time. When I stuck my head out of my locker, he wasn't there. I frowned. Darnet! When you try to get rid of them, they never go away. But, when you need them, they're never there.

I saw Ben at his locker. Now's my chance. I ran up to Ben.

"Hey Ben!" I said all upbeat.

He looked at me and slammed his locker.

"Hi Georgia" he said with a mellow voice.

"So... Listen, I need to talk to you. Like you know like a friend!" I said walking with him to wherever he goes for free period. And if you are wondering ,Rebecca wasn't at school today.

Ben looked at me like I was the extreme weirdo.

"Ok Georgia. I am sorry but, I don't really have the guts to talk to you right now." He walked further away as I stood there speechless. A time when he isn't in the mood to talk with me! Peculiar is it not.

"Fine. Guess I can't trust my own boyfriend!" I only said that to get his attention and stop. And he did. He turned around and walked full speed back to me. He approached me and a tear streaming from his eyes "Leave me alone" he whispered weakly. He flipped his hair and walked away again. As he walked away, something feel outta his bag. It was a paper. Tempted to get it I ran over and snatched it from the floor before he could notice. I ran to the girls bathroom and locked myself in a stal. Just in case.

It was folded up into like billions of times. *unwrap unwrap etc.*

The note read:

To a lovely girl in whom I most acknowledge .

She is really pretty. When her hair is brown and flowy after taking it out in a bun. And when she smiles it's so pretty. And even though she might not attract others, she attracts me" throughout the note I kept wondering who this girl was.

In any case. I now had to think of a way to give it back to Ben. Without him knowing or thinking I read it.

I walked out of the bathroom. There was a water fountain so I stopped to get a drink. out if subject i know. Anyways. I had to try to look for Ben so I spotted one of his friends.

"Yo bro!" I tried to act cool yet failed.

He turned around and looked at me weirdly.

"Me?" He asked.

"Yeah. So um, can you give this to Ben please! It is a note he dropped so I want you to give it to him please." I handed him the note.

"Ok if I see him" he said. He took the note and ran off.

"I am trusting you!" I yelled.

Since I only had little time left, I ran outside to sit on the bleachers. When I got out, I saw a girl sitting on them. She looked hurt and lonely. And I know that who I needed to talk to wasn't Ben or Rebecca, mum nor daddy. It was that girl. I think she came to me. I didn't choose anybody or anyone else choose for me but, she came to me like it was suppose to be THIS PERSON ..,

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