Bad Day

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Enjoy , sorry if there is like a whole bunch of errors I am writing this all in one late night meh :/ im gonna edit dis promise !!


When we got home, mum and I bonded as much as we could. I didn't realize how much I would really miss her if I ran away..

"I'm just so glad you're home." Mum said wiping a tear off of her cheek.

"Yeah. Same here." I hugged her again.


I woke up with my hair in knots. My alarm clock went off right after I opened my eyes. I violently smacked the "off" button so it wouldn't make that annoying noise anymore. "Gaah" I moaned. I got my uniform on and brushed my hair out, brushed my teeth... Blah blah blah. I was so not ready to go back to school especially since I spent most of my weekend away from home now I have to spend a whole 5 days away again.

I ran downstairs collapsed on the dining room chair . Then I remembered I needed to go in the kitchen and get food. I moaned and pulled myself back up and dug through the pantry. I pulled out Cheerios. I looked behind me to check the time and it was 7:10!! My bus comes at 7:15! My eyes that were still baggy and pretty much still a bit closed finally opened up wide enough to realize I need to move my butt. I rushed as I grabbed a ziplock bag and poured Cheerios in it. You may be thinking I'm making some stupid actions but I was rushing and I usually never make the wisest decisions. I took some milk and poured it in the bag too. I took a handful of drippy milk & Cheerios and stuffed it in my mouth. Now my hands were all milky. But, who cares I had to go! I ran upstairs and kissed mum on the cheek. She rolled over and looked at the time, then she told me to get out if the house dummy. I stuffed myself with more Cheerios and ran out the door with my school bag. I had totally forgot about calling Liam. Including the fact that, I ran away. he must be worried! Oh but my bus comes in like 2 minutes . I decided I'd call him this afternoon. I ran to the bus stop and I had saw that I missed it.. This means I'd have to walk. Especially since I'm wearing these new sorta high heels I got like 2 months ago but never wore because i had forgotten I even had them. They were cute cause they were light tab with a button strap and heels that were appropriately high with a clicks sound whenever I'd walk. "Fiddlesticks!" I stomped. I shoved more Cheerios in my mouth and threw the bag away in the trashcan. I gathered up all of my stuff in my bag and started to walk. My shoes kept clicking every step. It started to drizzle then drizzles turned to rain- rain turned to a thunderstorm . "I DID NOT KNOW THERE WAS GONNA BE A STORM!! OH MY SHOES!!" I wish I had an umbrella right now because I'm already soaked within the last minute! I'm sorry If I sound like a drama queen but this isn't my morning.

As I got closer to the school, as I wasn't looking where I was going, I stepped in big muddy puddle and then slipped. My bag went flying and it landed right in the street where a big car was about to run over it. I quickly got up ad dice at it and quickly ran out of the street . I fell in the muddy grass then. This is by far one of the most disgusting horrible moments of my life.

I had finally got to school and was late. I signed in the office, unpacked the stuff out of my locker, and tripped to class.

During lunch, Rebecca came up to me "What happened?" She asked staring me down.

"Ugh let's not talk about it." My shoes were still clicking but WAS NOT attractive looking. I limped to a lunch table. I was trying to make it not obvious that I was looking for Ben.

"What?" Rebecca asked.

"Oh nothing... " I sunk down in the chair.

She gave me a look .

"Ok fine! I'm looking for Ben." I whispered. "I think we have a thing going on..." After I said that, Rebecca spit her strawberry smoothie all over my uniform. "Aghhhh!" I screamed.

"What!????" She said. I pulled the smoothie away from her. "UMmm HELLO!!" I yelled. "What Ben do you have a thing going in with?" Rebecca asked. "Ben Johnson." I answered. "You mean that one?" Rebecca pointed to Ben holding hands with a blonde girl named Bethany. I stormed off out of the cafeteria walking past Ben & Bethany. I ran to the bathroom. I guess I know how it feels to have a broken heart. I locked my self on the stall and sat on the toilet seat. My heart hurt along with the rest of my day..

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