Could This Day Get Any Worse

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Ring Ring

The bell had rung for free period and I slammed my locker thinking about my conversation with Liam. That is when out of the corner of my eye I spotted Ben walking by. I bite my lip again. Man, I gotta stop doing that. I opened my locker up again and stuck my head in it. Just when I thought he was gone walking by I stuck out to check and BAM he was right there next to me. Just like in love stories the girl would slam her locker and the guy would be right there.

His eyebrow was curved up and the other down. Darn, that look made me bite my lip.

"Agh" I screeched.

"Haha did I scare you?" he laughed.

"Nope not at all." I started walking away to meet Rebecca.

"Listen, I am sorry about that thing with that other girl. Um, she broke up with me and I wanted to say it was a mistake from the beginning. So if you would, consider me yours again?" He said.

"Mm." I breathed "listen Ben- we never had an 'I'm yours' thing goin on. Plus, I've moved on! Ok. We can still be umm... Friends you know?" I smirked and walked away.

I could tell he was standing there looking at me walk away. Would if he admired my shoes and the way they clicked every time I walked? I hummed away.

There was Rebecca waiting for me by the science hallway.She was so beautiful. I wish I was like her sometimes. The thick blonde hair that reached all the way down to her breasts. She makes her uniform look good. Her natural tan. Her freckles on her cheeks. I am surprised she doesn't have a boyfriend. She always says how relationships are not her thing I can agree with that in so many ways. During free period, Rebecca and I usually hangout outside at the Football field and sit on the bleachers. We like to just talk and be alone.

"Hey! " Rebecca said turning off her phone and putting it in her bag.

"Hi. We need to go!" I whispered grabbing her arm and walking quickly.

"Ok." Rebeca said flipping we hair back.

*sitting on the bleachers outside in the cold*

Today was very foggy and rainy. The sky was very dark almost like the night. The football field was abandoned and nobody uses it anymore because our school bought an inside field. So Rebecca and I are the only ones that goes there.

"Georgia it is cold! Also, it is very foggy out. I don't like this weather it looks like it is about to rain. Can we talk inside." Rebecca moaned.

"No. This is where we always talk during free period.

Rebecca gripped her arms tightly trying to keep warm.

"Today's talk is about Ben. Um-" I got cut off.

"Georgia. I am going inside I can't focus! I am sorry." Rebecca hopped off and ran towards the school.

So I was left outside in the fog and dark sky ,abounded like the field. I sighed and pulled out my pencil and notebook. I drew a picture of Liam, then mum, then Ben, Rebecca. I tilted my head something wasn't right. I drew a big X through the stickfigure Ben. Plus, something you should know about me, I cannot draw. I felt drizzles of rain hit my nose . I better go in before it gets harder. I packed up and walked slowly to the school which was about a mile away from the field. I threw the bag over my shoulder and walked looking around at nature. The rain got harder and hit my nose like pebbles. I put my bag over my head and ran towards the school. I slipped and fell in muddy puddles just like this morning. My uniform was now soaked and disgusting. The smoothie didn't nearly come out, the mud, and water. I got up off of the wet grass.

"By far, one of the most rubbish days ever!" I pouted. Why can't life just go my way! I felt like running away again. But, I know I will regret it later. I finally arrived at the school. The doors were locked. GREAT! I am late for class now. The school was massive and I mean it. So I had to walk all the way around to the front.

"NOOOO!!!" I banged on the door. With no hope, I sat against the door out in the cold and soaked with rain. The sky was dark and gray + really foggy. I felt lonely. Looking all the way out into the field , I saw that it was literally a mile away. Geeze! Ugh. Could this day get any worse. When I was about to get up. The door opened and I fell forward with my head hitting the metal door. My bag went flying and after my head hit the door, it hit the sidewalk.

"OUCH!" I yelled.

"I am so sorry Payne!" It was one of my teachers.

"Why aren't you in class?" I asked.

"I have to go to a meeting outside of school. But I should be askin' you the question missy."

"Got locked out. Lost track of time haha ya know." I fake laughed playing around I lightly punched her arm.

"Hahahaha." I laughed . She looked at me disgusted.

"Hahaha.... " my laugh turned into fake coughs how awkward.

"Get inside and get to class!" She demanded. I ran over to get my bag and tripped inside. If forgot the "STEP" sign right next to the door and as I walked in I tripped.

"Oof!" My bag slide across the floor and Mrs. Borg slammed the door on my feet. Maybe when I tripped I should have moved my legs so they weren't hanging out of the door.

I tried not to make noise while classes were in session so I breathed in and held my breath.

"Mmmm." I whispered.

Dragging myself away from the door, i got up carefully. I think I need to go to the nurse. I grabbed my bag and limped to the nurse's office. I was right, this day could get worse!

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