The Flight to Berk

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I watched as the sun set, the last beams hitting my black scales. The other dragons, who inhabit the island went to their homes. I was no longer going to stay here, I was tired of my life here. Wake up at morning, collect fish, take a nap, eat fish, sleep. I figured going back to my human form and living with the Vikings might make my life more interesting. The moon was full and the stars were now twinkling.

I rose my wings and stretched my limbs. I rose from where I was seated and started to flap my wings. I quickly rose upwards, leaving my old life behind. I flew above all the pine trees, remembering their strong scent. I flew up to the stars, and looked down at my old home. I was proud of my decision to leave, maybe I'll have fun being a Viking . . . Although, I cannot fly while I am in that form.

Honestly, I don't want to lose my flying abilities, but I also don't want to have a very repetitive life. So, I planned out that I would shift into my dragon form only at night, when the other Vikings would be sleeping. The only ones who would notice me would probably be the dragons attacking the island. But, its not like they're going to tell the Vikings I am a shifter.

I watched the water dragons swimming below me, a whole herd of them. Lucky them, they have family. I dived down to get a closer look at the water dragons. It was a pack of Scauldrons, ranging from dark purples to sea green. They looked towards me, only seeing my blue eyes. I must've been flying for a while, the moon was almost at its peak. I sped up, willing to land and rest at the nearest island.

My wings were aching from exhaustion; my tail was cramped from staying level with myself. My feet were slowly falling asleep, I was having to wiggle my toes to keep it from happening. My eye lids drooped and reopened a couple of times. I yawned, sleep attempting to overcome me.

An island was in sight. My aching wings were now gaining strength for the rest of the flight there. I watched as I got closer and closer to it, hope rising in my belly. Once I was over the edge of the island, I landed and collapsed onto the ground. Sleep finally overcame me.

I heard the sound of Terrible Terrors close to me, probably what woke me up. I peeked one eye open, not seeing very clearly, not fully awake. I then opened both of my eyes and peered around myself. I saw a small pack of Terrible Terrors, about three of them. They were cosied up right next to me, asleep.

I got up, trying my best to not disturb them. They looked peaceful, for the moment. The blue one was against my side, with his two buddies besides him. I used my tail to keep him upright until I was standing. Once I was up, I laid him down gently on the ground. I ran off before they would notice I was gone.

I listened to the sound of . . . Laughter, Vikings, and . . . Dragons? I was in a deep part of the woods, as I walked towards the sound of Vikings. I saw a clearing close to where I was. I crawled over towards it. They were Vikings, and there were dragons. I was completely confused at the sight. Since when did these guys get along?

I saw all types of dragons, the part that surprised me was that, they weren't fighting the Vikings. They were playing with them. They even wore saddles and Vikings rode on them. At least you wouldn't have to worry about fires starting here, the dragons didn't seem very hostile. I thought this was the island I am going to stay at, its calm, but not too calm. Considering the extremely large amount of Vikings and dragons.

I shifted into my human form, jet black hair and diamond blue eyes. My hair was to my waist, and was pretty thick. I continued watching the Vikings from where I was, they all were wearing strange clothes. I looked around for where I might find some, hoping to fit in. I saw a Viking hut with a clothes wire, and I snatched some feminine looking clothes and ran into the woods.

I threw them on, they fit nicely. I wasn't very large, unlike most of the Vikings here were. I was about nineteen years old. I finished clicking on the belt, putting it on the smallest size. I grabbed my hair and put it behind myself. I also had some brown leather boots, about two sizes too big.

At least the clothes were nice and warm, for the slightly cold weather of fall. I then walked forwards, wondering how to introduce myself, also wondering if I still remembered English. "Hello." I said to myself in a squeaky voice. I haven't spoke in years, I forgot how my voice sounded. Of course, I do speak in my dragon form.

I walked back into the woods, remembering words, and practicing saying them. Once I thought I was decent with it, I prepared myself to walk out. I had to train myself to walk as I went out of the forest. I looked for someone who seemed like they were in charge. I saw many Vikings, and I walked over to a nice looking lady and asked "Who is your chief?"

At first she chuckled at what I said, then she stopped, noticing I was serious. "Oh, you're serious, well, he is out right now, if you'd like, I could tell him you stopped by. What's your name?" She asked as she approached me. "I am Eclipse, I don't expect him to know me. Could I just wait in your village until he is back?" I asked her.

"Sure thing, you can stay in my hut. He is often out for a while, he really loves that NightFury he's got . . ." She said, continuing to speak. The word that was echoing through my head was, 'NightFury.' I wasn't sure if that was the word she said, so I decided to make it clear. "NightFury?" I asked in a questioning tone. "Why of course, because of him and that NightFury, dragons and Vikings work in harmony." She said as she opened a door to a hut.

"You must be starving, I have some stew, it's finished, if you'd like some, I'll get you some." She said as she walked in after me. "You have a lovely house." I said, being polite. "Thank you, so how much stew do you want?" She asked. "However much you can spare." I said, feeling like she was slightly abrupt.

She just chuckled and handed me a bowl. "I must get going, the dragon stables aren't going to clean themselves." She said as she left the room. She seemed like a very sweet lady. I ate my stew, happy to eat something that doesn't taste like fish. She gave me a large amount, guess she made a lot of stew.

Once I finished my food, I walked around the house. I saw one door closed, and I opened the door and saw a Gronckle. He was immediately awake and looked at me excitedly. Once he realized I wasn't that nice lady, he got curious. I looked at him, wondering what he was doing in the Viking's spare room.

He started to get defensive towards me, he probably thought I did something to the Viking. "I don't want to hurt you, and I didn't hurt your Viking friend." I said as I looked at him shyly. Of course, I was speaking in English, I can't speak dragon while in my human form. Some of the sounds I make are unable to be made with a human mouth. He smelt my scent, he must've caught the scent of NightFury.

He gave me a curious expression, I then heard knocks at the door. "Sorry." I mumbled to the Gronckle as I walked over to the door. I opened the door and a scrawny Viking. "Hi, you must be Eclipse, I am Hiccup." I heard him say. "Yes, I am Eclipse, are you here to tell me where the chief is?" I asked him. He smiled at me and started chuckling.

"What?" I questioned him. He gestured to himself and smiled at me. "I may not be much of a Viking, but I am the chief." He said as he led me outside of the house. I closed the door and followed him. "I wanted to ask you if I could move into your . . . Village." I said as I looked at his eyes. "I'll see if it's possible, I am going to have to get supplies as you know. While Toothless and I gather supplies, you might as well clean yourself up." He said as he started walking off.

"I could help you gather supplies." I told him. He seemed pretty doubtful of that, as if he could do any better. "Fine, I'll just bathe and get on different clothes." I said as I walked over to the ladies house. Oh, how I hope she won't mind me snooping around and using her stuff.

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