The Final Battle (Part One)

978 37 11

Toothless's POV

Since Hiccup was such a slow runner with that peg leg of his, I grabbed him by his shirt and ran towards the exit. I know what I need to do, all I need is for him to ride me. I charged out the front door of this building, and set him back down. He scrambled his way over to my back and hopped on.

I lowered my body, preparing for him to situate himself so I could leap up and take to the skies. Once he was positioned properly, I jumped, and raced over towards the ships making their way over towards the island. I have to help my friends keep those away so Eclipse has at least a chance.

I dive down once I'm close enough, and I start dive bombing them. I soar back up into the air, so I can make a decent plan for my next moves.

Luna's POV

She should be awake already! It's been over an hour. I don't know how they're doing out there, but that ship that's already gotten close to our land is sure to send David our way much faster than we wish. I growl deep in my throat for a moment. Why is this taking so long?

I start pacing; I'm glad I sent that Nightfury and viking off before they could worry about her. They'd be useless if they stayed here. Maybe I should go use myself as a distraction, and challenge my son. I couldn't kill him though-- no matter how hard I might try.

He's my own flesh and blood, I can't do that. The only one able to do that would be Eclipse. She must wake up soon though, I don't know how much longer they'll last out there.

I make my way out of the building, hopefully she can hold her own. I'll go ahead and collect the Speed Stingers, Skrill, and Snaptrapper. They'll be very helpful and will definitely gain most of the crew's attention.

Sam's POV

I land on an island uncharted on maps back at Berk. I think this is where my sister is, but something doesn't quite feel right. I see some ships nearing the island and gained a worried feeling in my stomach. I have to help these guys out, they've been the most loyal friends I could hope for. I'm just glad my sister has made the decision to befriend these guys. They've done so much more than I've been able to for her.

I grab a large sword and made my way to the beach they were sailing towards. I wasn't going to let them fight on their own, I'm going to be a good brother that decides to show up when things really do get bad.

Hiccup's POV

I catch up with the group, seeing what they were going for. I joined in and helped blow holes into the ships, lowering down their numbers. Toothless dodged each shot with ease, but Stormfly and Hookfang who've been out here for a while were getting tired.

They've both run out of fire, and were trying to regain some shots. Instead, Stormfly was shooting her quills at the men, and Hookfang was grabbing the men with his mouth and dropping them into the water. As soon as boats seemed to be disappearing, more came.

We didn't seem to have the upper hand here, and more ships were seen in the distance. "Toothless, is there something you could do to give us some help?" I asked, leaning down and stroking his neck.

Luna's POV

I leave the room, charging out on all fours to the beach. It's there that I see a male that looks similar to Eclipse. I freeze for a moment, scanning him from head to toe. No-- is this the boy that saw me shoot here so long ago? He's grown up so much as well.

I stared at him in awe for a few moments, recognizing him completely. "Are you the Nightfury that shot my sister the night my mom died?" He asked, cocking his head to the side and furrowing his eyebrows.

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