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I was shell shocked as I looked at Toothless. He was fully healing right in front of me. Neither of us spoke, but we couldn't hear the sounds of the forest around us. The cracking sounds from his scales seemed so loud, we probably couldn't even hear a Thunderdrum. Then Toothless went silent. I neared him, and he collapsed onto the ground. His body was moving frantically, his tail swooped left to right.

"Toothless?" I asked as I got closer to him, hoping he was okay. His body suddenly stopped and was completely still. I got low to the ground and crawled the rest of the way over. "Toothless?" I asked again and nudged him. His breathing was heavy, which I suppose was a good thing. "Toothless?" I heard from behind me. I turned seeing Hiccup run over almost falling while he ran.

Hiccup fell over right next to Toothless, and crawled the rest of the way to his face. "What happened?" He asked as he looked at me. I did a dragon version of shrugging my shoulders. "How would I know." I stated in dragon, knowing he wouldn't understand. He started shaking Toothless, trying to wake him.

Hiccup continued shaking him until Toothless shrugged him away and did a dragon groan. Hiccup muttered under his breath. I walked closer. I was worried about what was happening to Toothless.

Hiccup gave me a passing glance, and I watched as Toothless opened his eyes. His pupils were in aggressive slits, he growled at both of us. "Toothless?" I questioned as I stepped closer. His eyes went from slits to big round pupils.

"You okay?" I asked him. He didn't speak, he continued looking from Hiccup to me. After a while he finally spoke, "What happened?" I looked around us. "You passed out?" I asked as I sat on my haunches.

"Yeah, I have no idea what happened . . . All I remember was a burning sensation and then I blacked out . . ." He said as he looked at Hiccup. "Hey bud, you okay?" Hiccup asked as he got closer.

Toothless made a throaty noise and stood up. Hiccup walked off with Toothless. I was left alone in the middle of the woods.

My thoughts were getting confused after what I had just witnessed. What had I done to Toothless? I healed him but I don't know how, but nothing seems that bad though . . . Yet. I looked around at my surroundings as a small bird flew across my vision.

I stood up and started my walk back towards the village, slowly but surely making it there. I looked up at the sky. My wings ached to fly. I walked into a clearing and flew up into the sky with strong movements with my wings. Once in the air I flew up towards Gothis' house, once I caught her attention she waved.

I smiled at her, then dived downwards spiraling in circles. My body was in perfect sync as I dived. The trees were going to cut me off soon if I didn't spread my wings out. I pulled out my wings and steadied myself, trying to not run into the trees.

I flew back up and glided by the forest. I turned my head towards the village. I saw black puffs of smoke rise. I immediately flapped my wings, pumping myself towards the village. I was moving fast, blurry landscape filled my side view.

I started diving downwards and slowed down to land. I saw the fire located on Hiccup's hut. The vikings around were screaming nonsense as they grabbed buckets of water. I continued running and shoving people out of my way.

When I reached Hiccup's hut, it was almost completely burnt down. I then saw Hiccup running towards me . . . Well, stumbling. "Eclipse! Did you see where he went?" He asked sounding frightened.

I shook my head no, and he turned away from me and just ran off. I then decided to help the vikings and put out the fire with them. I grabbed large quantities of water and doused the fire. Soon it was gone.

Suddenly Hiccup was back . . . With a saddle in his hands? I looked from the saddle, to Hiccup. He just gave me a cheesy smile and continued walking forwards. "No." I said in dragon shaking my head. "Yes." He stated, "You did this to Toothless, you help me get him back." I grumbled deep in my throat as he tied the saddle onto me.

He hopped onto my back and I was slowly getting myself used to the extra weight. I shifted myself as he got himself comfortable. "Ready?" He asked as he finished clicking in his prosthetic foot. I grumbled in response and raised my wings.

*Time skip, thirty minutes*

"So you see . . . I made this new tail fin for Toothless, so he could fly without me on his back." He did a nervous laugh. "I replaced the old one for it . . . Then he kicked some coals lighting the house on fire. It burnt down the hut and he flew off on his own." Hiccup said as he looked towards the ocean.

My throat made a gargling sound. We continued flying for that time period. While we flew I got more and more worried about Toothless.

I heard a sound from behind me. It seemed like another pair of wings, it sounded sort of choppy, like a Nadder. I knew someone would follow us, I just didn't know when they would arrive. Then I heard something that scared me, Nightfury wings. No, not my own, they were a little while back from the Nadder.

"Stormfly, fly over here . . ." I said. I watched as a Nadder appeared next to me. "I see your cheating on Toothless." Astrid joked. "Shhh . . . Something's not right, look at the way her ears are twitching." Hiccup said pointing at my head.

"Continue." I said to Stormfly. I raised my wings, slowed down and turned around. I saw him, gliding near the clouds above us. Hiccup now saw him, because his grip on the saddle tightened. Well that, and I was now flying straight up.

Toothless saw me flying towards him and shot a plasma blast. I didn't have enough time to react and felt a burning sensation through my body. It wasn't just that though, the plasma blast disappeared before touching me.

I continued flying towards him, the burning sensation now feeling like scorching pain. I felt Hiccup slipping off of the saddle, but Stormfly was approaching quickly to help. I was now level with Toothless, and Hiccup re-situated himself.

"Toothless? What happened?" I asked him, his eyes as small slits. He growled at me and prepared another plasma blast. I prepared a blast of my own and shot it into his mouth. He coughed a few times. "Hey bud . . . I'm here Toothless . . . It's all going to be alright . . ." Hiccup cooed to Toothless.

I flew closer every passing second. Hiccups cooing never stuttering. Once I thought Toothless was good, I was just inches from his nose. Hiccup reached forwards over my head to touch his nose.

Toothless looked at the hand, approaching him quickly. Once Hiccup was on the verge of touching him, Toothless snapped at him and attempted to bite his hand. "What's wrong bud?" Hiccup asked as he pulled his hand back.

"Hiccup, let's just try and get him back to Berk. We're getting far away and we won't be able to tell which way is home." Astrid said. "Okay, sounds good. Could I ride with you, I have a feeling Eclipse has this."

Hiccup got onto Stormfly and the saddle was still entangled around my body. I then smirked towards Toothless, preparing for the chase.

He turned away as fast as he could and started diving. I dove after him, and pumped my wings hard. I was approaching quickly, the fake tail fin not as fast as his last one. I was now slightly above him and he looked up at me and growled.

"Too slow." I said and I collapsed onto his exposed back and we got entangled. I felt claws scratch me everywhere, he felt the same. I then found the pressure point to make him pass out. I bit down but not hard enough for blood. "Don't take me back . . ." He said.

He went limp in my grasp and I grabbed him with my four feet. I flew back up to rejoin Astrid and Hiccup.

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