Speed Stingers

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Hiccups POV

As we waited, another dragon came out. It was a Skrill, how in the world could this guy tame a Skrill if I can't? The Skrill flew up, I thought it was going towards the Sandwraith, but he continued past him. The leader of the Speed Stingers stopped in front of me about ten feet away. His red stripes gleamed in the sunlight, but not for long.

The Skrill was summoning a storm as he was up there. The pack of Speed Stingers had about eight in total, but I couldn't tell quite right because they continued running around. Both Toothless and Eclipse were hissing at them. I didn't like Speed Stingers myself, but they only attacked when you came close to their home or attacked them. These ones seemed to just want to hurt us no matter what situation we were in.

The leader made a small call to all of them and they all stopped what they were doing and backed up. The Skrill that was above us was making the storm bigger and stronger so he could attack us more brutally with lightning. Eclipse didn't seem like she was interested in the thought of getting electrocuted, so she flew up into the sky to stop him.

The Sandwraith was caught off guard as she blasted past him. Toothless stayed focused on the group of eight that looked like they wanted to kill us. Eclipse got caught mid-flight by the man and the Sandwraith. The Sandwraith bound towards her with quick wings.

The Speed Stingers started getting closer and closer to Toothless. The leader went over to Toothless' red tail and started biting it. "Hey, stop that!" I called out, and Toothless swung his tail, flinging the Speed Stinger away.

Eclipse POV (GIMME AN O)

This stupid Sandwraith, he just can't figure out when to back up and let me
through. I growled at him, warning him, but he ignored me and lunged for me. I dodged him effortlessly and continued my way up. I shot the Skrill multiple times, each time it was making him falter.

Sooner than I expected, he came down for me. I knew he was going to be a challenge. The Lightning was following after him as he charged towards me. The determination on his face was very bold. I then heard the sound of more dragons coming. Astrid, Snotlout, Fishlegs and the twins joined us. Astrid went for the speed stingers. Snotlout and Fishlegs flew up towards the Skrill to help me fight. The twins took this opportunity to go for the Sandwriath.

Feeling blessed, I knew we would be able to win this one. "STOP! I'm not your enemy!" The man yelled out to the Vikings. "Then why would you steal Eclipse?" Astrid retorted. "I'm here to protect the Nightfury I swear! And I'll help the other one as well!" He replied. The group looked at him uncertainly, but when I looked at the Skrill he was stopped too.

I flew back towards the Sand wraith. "How do you know about us?" I asked him. "Oh please, every dragon and every dragon hunter is out there to get you. We figured we would help you out, if your group didn't freak out, you wouldn't have made the Skrill defensive." He replied calmly. I could now tell he was quite definitely a male.

I dove down towards Toothless, and watched as all the Speed Stingers calmed down. I landed, and watched as the Skrill joined us. The storm slowly disappeared, all that was left was a single white cloud. "Now then, let's get inside before David can find you." The man said, and landed his Sand wraith.

"This sucks. I couldn't even cause a minor explosion." I heard one of the twins say. I smiled at that comment. The man got off of his Sand Wraith, and walked into some camouflaged doors. I followed right behind him. "You can't hear him in here can you?" The man asked gently.

I shook my my head no, and listened to everyone's footsteps behind me. "What I do here is like a rehabilitation. Majority of those Speed Stingers didn't even know each other when I brought them here. Soon after I started helping them out, they seemed to bond to me as well as each other." He said.

We then arrived to a large room. "I'll assign each of you a room. Remember the number at the top so you can get back to it. I'm also going to show you where you eat. Don't worry about clothes either, I have multiple sets in the rooms." He announced. "So, Meatlug and Fishlegs, this is your room." He said, gesturing to the door.

"Next, Hookfang and Snotlout." He said, pointing to the door across from Fishlegs. Then it was Astrid, and across from her was the twins. "Ahh, now Hiccup, this is your room. You wouldn't mind being alone would you?" He asked.

"Oh. Well. Umm. I guess not." Hiccup lied. "If you ever want company, you can ask any of your friends." The man said and smiled. "Thanks." Hiccup said. "Now then, Eclipse and Toothless. Do you want a room together or separate?" He asked us. "Separate." I said, but at the same time Toothless said "Together."

"Okay, well this is your room." He said, gesturing towards a room for both of us. "Thanks." I mumbled. Toothless walked in to explore, I'd direct him to the dining area later. The Sandwraith was now next to me instead of a few feet behind. The rest of the group was behind us.

"This place is nice isn't it." The Sandwraith said, turning towards me. "It is. So how long has he been keeping the dragons safe?" I asked.

"Well, it started when I saved his life. I swooped in his house, as it was burning down. I grabbed him and brought him out of there. He was only around ten years old, and I was that age as well. He started sneaking out of his hut during the night, and meet up with me in the woods." He started.

"So one day you guys decided to just leave the village?" I asked him. "Well, wouldn't you?" He replied. "That's pretty cool. But what made you want to save his life?" I asked confused. "I've seen too many humans and dragons die. I was hoping I could show them that it didn't have to be that way." He replied.

We soon reached the dining area, and there was one large table. The room was lit by candles and small windows. "Is anyone hungry?" The man asked. Most everyone behind me said yes.

That night we ate well. After we finished our meals, we all headed towards our rooms. Snotlout lost his way halfway there. I watched as Hookfang grabbed him by his shirt, and carried him.

Once Toothless and I were alone in our room, I turned towards him. "Do you think he knows I'm a shifter?" I asked.

Hey guys! I'm so sorry for not updating! I finally have an idea for ending this story, I'll update as soon as I get a chance! Have a great day!

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