More Than I Bargained For

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Eclipse's POV

Two days have passed, and I was about to do something I'd been deeply regretting for a while now. I already told Toothless two nights ago, but no one else knows. He fully supports me, I expected nothing less from him. I was ready for this, but I couldn't help my nerves.

Was I really okay with this? Becoming a full dragon, not being able to speak to the Vikings around me? Not having the ability to walk around on two legs and make jokes with the six I met not long ago?

Wait a second.

Would my brother be able to understand me? That's the only thing that started repeating in my mind. That's the only person that I truly have a bond with, by blood and by choice. What would happen, could he somehow understand me?

Perhaps he won't understand me, but what would happen then? We'd be nothing to each other. We'd be unable to talk-- to joke . . .

I shook my head, trying to rid my mind of these thoughts. I know what I have to do, and I'm willing to do it. I need to do this for everyone I love, so they don't have to worry about me. I don't want Sam to worry that I'll be attacked by David all of my life. I want him to know I'm okay, and I'll be safe from harm.

I'm sorry Sam, it seems the world isn't as nice as I'd always believed.

Sam's POV

I've been sailing away from Berk, unsure where my little sis wandered off to with her friends. I had a chill go up my spine, something wasn't feeling quite right. I was getting worried, I don't know where Eclipse is. I love my little sister, but I wish she didn't have these troubles. I will protect her with my life, no matter what.

I know these waters better than most pirates out there, and I know a pretty safe island with good people. I doubt they'll remember me, or the fact Eclipse is my sister. It'll be better for them to forget who I am anyway.

The beaches are in sight, and it seems another ship beat me to the shores. I could've sworn I was the only one that left the island.

David's POV

"C'mon boys! Throw down the anchor! We don't need it to sail away." I called towards them, knowing we were probably far enough away from my mom. I could feel my hatred growing by second, she's the one that made me have to live with these idiotic humans. Dragons are much better than these beings.

I held with me a sword, dagger, and a crossbow. I also had all of the equipment I need to torture this little brat. I'm tired of walking all of my life, if she died earlier on, then I wouldn't have to bother with any of this! I could feel Eclipse closer to me with every step I took. I know where she is, and where everyone else is because she's the one with my powers.

I can feel the aura of my form hovering around her. It made me furious to know I couldn't get it until now. But I just wanted to let her bond with everyone, before I decide to make them suffer.

Toothless's POV

"Hiccup! Want to practice fighting?" Astrid called, running over to Hiccup with a sword and double sided axe. She already knew she was going to win, but Hiccup could always use the practice. "Toothless, Have you seen Eclipse lately? It's been about two days since I've gotten to speak with her." Stormfly asks, sitting down on the ground next to me. We watched as Astrid and Hiccup began fighting.

"Oh, yeah, but she's been busy." I stammered, drawing a picture in the dirt in front of me. "With what? She seems to have been excluded from the rest of us for quite a while now. I miss hanging out with her, and I'm sure everyone else does as well." She replied, looking up towards the sky.

I followed her gaze, and I looked at the clouds. Oh, how I wish I could fly freely like everyone else does. Suddenly the ground shook under us. The moment of peace shattered away, and we stood up abruptly. "What was that?!" Astrid exclaimed, setting a hand on her hip as she grabbed her axe.

"Toothless!" Hiccup said, running over towards me. He jumped on and I flew up into the sky, getting a good look at our surroundings. "A ship?" He mumbled, gesturing towards a large ship off the shore. There was enough room for a dragon to be in it. Immediately my eyes widened, I cannot let Eclipse get captured. I ignored any direction I got from Hiccup, I dived down towards the ground and ran straight into the building. He held on while I did this.

"ECLIPSE! WE NEED TO GO NOW!!" I screamed out as loudly as I could. My legs ran at an incredibly fast speed as I turned through the halls. I eventually found Eclipse sitting down on the bed in our room. Hiccup hopped off of me, and ran over to her. "Eclipse, if you value your life we gotta head out now!" He gently grabbed her arm and gestured for her to come over towards me.

"You can ride Toothless with me, he won't be able to catch up." Hiccup offered, looking towards her. 

Eclipse' s POV

"I'm out of time . . ." I mumbled, biting my bottom lip anxiously. "Well, I'm not going to run, you guys can either stay here and help me, or head home. I don't want to cause any more problems for you guys.

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