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Eclipses POV

"Oh please, you dragged us into this mess to begin with, why would we back out now?" Hiccup asked, leaving the room and running outside. I ran towards the training room, where Luna was. I opened up the door, still in my human form. "Luna, I don't think I have a choice anymore, you need to change me!" I beg, not wanting any of my viking friends to die.

"This could take a while, you might pass out from the blast, are you sure?" She questioned, running over to where I stood. I nodded my head eagerly. "I have no other choice, just do it!" I order, shifting myself into my dragon form.

"As you wish, Eclipse." A blinding light then shone, and then darkness.

Astrids POV

I ran to get the others, the stupid David guy's back. I'm so tired of him trying to mess with us. Like, what's his deal, he needs to take it down a few and chill.

I got onto Stormfly, watching as Snotlout and Hookfang joined me. "Okay, c'mon you two, let's distract them for a little bit." I said, having Stormfly fly up and towards the shore they were hanging out at. Snotlout was slightly cowering on his dragon, I just shook my head in an annoyed fashion for a second.

"If you wanted to wimp out, you should've done it before they arrived Snotlout." I growl out, looking over towards the ship. Off in the distance, I could see a fleet heading in our direction. Stormfly growled seeing the scene, and here we were, just wanting to take a nice vacation away from this jerk. The twins then flew up to us, followed by Fishlegs and Meatlug. Hiccup and Toothless were no where to be seen.

"Okay guys, we need to direct those ships in the distance away before they can come and do anything to us. Snotlout, I want you to attempt to burn their sails, they'll definitely slow down. While he's doing this, I want you two to distract the men on the ships." I direct turning towards the twins who were riding their dragon upside down. This is not the time, nor place for their idiocy.

"Gotcha boss! We'll do what we do best!" Ruff said, diving down towards the water. I wasn't done telling them our plan-- oh whatever, they'll figure out how to improvise.

I then turn towards Fishlegs. "How many people are on the ships, and how many ships are out in the distance?" I ask him, letting him do the math.

"Well, there seems to be about twenty five-- no, twenty eight ships, and there's about five men on the decks-- assuming that there's five more inside, I'd approximate about ten on a ship. The best plan of action would be long distance, we wouldn't want them to capture us in their nets. Plus they have arrows dipped in--" I cut him off, that's enough.

"I already know, Fishlegs. But we don't really have a choice right now. They're not very far from the island, and we need to get our group as much time as possible." I replied, gesturing for Snotlout to fly off and start destroying their sails. Why is he still flying with us, he knew the twins were working with him for this.

"How good are you at one-on-one fighting?" I asked, turning towards him completely seriously. I hope he's not all brains, we need him to be able to fight. "Uhh, well, I mean, I'm okay. But I'm not very trained like you-- I can do better than Hiccup though." His voice cracked as he spoke.

"Here, take this sword, I saw you forgot to grab a weapon." I hand him a sword, having Stormfly fly over slightly. I held my double sided axe in my other hand. "You got this Fishlegs, don't let him die Meatlug!" I joke, smiling at the female Gronkle.

"We're going to have to fight off all of these, but we need backup, and soon. Might as well take down as many as possible for now though, let's go Stormfly!" I call out, signalling for her to dive as Meatlug and Fishlegs follow close behind.

Stormfly moves faster through the wind as she gets to the first ship. Snotlout was a few ships away with the twins, at least he's following directions. Hopefully Hiccup's safe, he's the one that should be leading us right now, not me. I passed a worried glance back for a second, before turning back towards the ships and landing. I readied my axe, jumping down from Stormfly and beginning to fight with the five men on top of the boat.

Hiccup's POV

"Eclipse? No, you're not Eclipse, you seem to be an older dragon . . ." I mumbled, walking into a room containing two other Nightfury's. Toothless made a deep noise seeing them. One was passed out on the ground, sending out ragged breaths. She was shaking violently, as if she was having a seizure.

"What's happening to her-- is she going to be alright?" I asked, a worried look growing on my face. The female Nightfury beside her just turned to look at her sad state. Once she turned back to Toothless and I, she stood up properly, and gestured with her head to leave the room.

"But- what's happening?" I asked, getting pushed out by her nose. Once I was out of the room, she walked back over to Eclipse, looking down at her body. "Fine. C'mon Toothless, we have a war to fight anyway. We need all of the help we can get." I directed, running out of the room with him beside me.

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