Secrets might get Loose

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I decided to go for a night flight although I already flown today, figured I could get to know Toothless better. I was already in my dragon form, I located Hiccups hut by tracking their scent. I knew Toothless was already out here, somehow he knew I would arrive.

"Hi Eclipse." He said as he greeted me. "Toothless." I said acknowledging him. "Want to go for a walk?" He asked as he started trotting in the same direction I was walking towards. "Sure, a walk would give me some time to think." I said as I trotted next to him. I looked at the birds as they returned to their nests. I listened to the water streams moving along in the distance. "Eclipse, why don't you have a rider?" He asked after a long time.

"Don't need one . . . Plus it would be weird." I said thinking of how funny it would be for them to find out I could shift into a human. "At your island are there more NightFuries?" He asked turning towards me. "Not that I know of, I don't think many are still alive." I said as I looked at a deer running away from us.

We were quite a ways from the village, near the stream of water I heard earlier. "Want to relax here?" Toothless asked as he took a seat on the soft grass. I sat down next to him, the moonlight hitting us from afar. "So, why would it be weird to have a rider?" He asked.

" . . . " I took a long pause thinking of what to reply. "Just . . . Being riderless would make the transition very strange . . . Especially when I don't have a reason to have a rider." I said as I looked at the reflection of the moon in the stream. He swooped his tail so it touched mine.

I laughed and smiled at him, in a sweet way. He gave me a smile and turned away. "Maybe one day Hiccup can get you a permanent tail, one you can fly all by yourself with." I said, thinking of him being able to fly normally.

"That'd be the day, then we can go on races, and see your island you used to live on." He said as he looked towards me. "TOOTHLESS!" I heard Hiccup yell from afar. "We can ignore him." I told Toothless. "I have to show him where I am, sorry." Toothless said as he pointed his head towards the sky. "It's not your fault." I said as I looked at the fish in the water.

He shot a plasma bolt and it exploded leaving a lovely blue like color. "Well, Hiccup is going to be here soon, I am going to head out." I said as I got up and looked towards Toothless. "Perhaps some other time?" He asked as he looked towards me. "Tomorrow?" He asked. "Sure." I replied as I got up and walked away. I listened as Hiccup met up Toothless.

I walked up to Halla's house, and she stood outside the back door. I caught eye contact with her for a moment, I stayed completely still. "Eclipse is that you?" She asked. I slowly backed up, running into a tree as I went. "Get over here now! Or I'll send Thorn to get you!" She said as she called Thorn out.

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