Hope part 21

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Sam's POV

'Too easy.' I thought as I looked behind myself, seeing multiple unconscious bodies. "Where's that David fellow." I said aloud as I neared a room. Inside of the room I heard a scream, a feminime scream. I opened the door as quick as possible, and grabbed my sword. I saw Toothless and Eclipse, both had all of their bones showing.

I looked around the room seeing chains around their bodies, fastened tight. Blood was painted on the floors. "Run." Eclipse croaked before I felt something pound against my head. I turned around, black spots starting to cover my vision.

"So, that was your hero? I could hire a sheep and he would do better." David said. I staggered my way forwards, raising my sword. My vision started clearing. "What? That's not right." David mumbled aloud. "Devil." I said as I turned around and threw my sword at one of Eclipse's chains. It cut off one of the chains and she pulled it the rest of the way off.

I backed up from David who was highly distracted by an escaping Eclipse. I pulled out an arrow and dipped it in a liquid I keep with me. I shot it, right into his stomach. I ran off grabbing the sword which was laying on the ground, I used it to rip Toothless chains off.

David smiled and said, "Now its a fight." As he approached an angered Eclipse.

Eclipse POV

I was free of all chains and I looked at him, my eyes turning to slits. I prepared a blast and shot it right onto his chest. He flew back hitting the wall behind him. "I got you covered, get the rest of them." I said.

Once they left, I turned back towards David. "You can't kill me." David told me. "Watch me." I replied feistily. He threw something at me. I fell to the ground, not prepared for the dramatic change. Whatever it was had a stinging liquid that burned to the touch.

Hopefully the others have better luck. I shot three shots, hitting him every time. I heard him cuss under his breath. His skin looked bad.

Hiccups POV

Tuffnut left us five days in on being held in the cell. I wish he hadn't, right when he left I heard him scream. Astrid and I already swore on our graves that we wouldn't leave each other. He barely feeds us, and when he does its usually moldy.

"Hiccup, did you hear that?" Astrid asked as the cell next to us banged the wall. "Yeah, you think that's where they are holding our dragons?" I asked her. "Maybe." She replied as she pulled off her cuffs. She undid them days ago but she didn't want to leave until there was a distraction.

"Let me get yours quick." She said as she undid the lock. I rubbed my wrists then got up and she kicked open the door. What we didn't expect was for the halls to be completely empty. Well it was that way before . . . "You finally going to join us?" Snotlout asked.

"What did they do to you?" I asked him. "You should've been with us, we were treated like royalty." Snotlout said as he walked closer. I was officially prepared to sprint. He started walking closer towards us. "Snotlout, don't listen to him, be you, the Snotlout I grew up with." I said, not thinking I would ever say that in my life.

Suddenly I saw a body fly into the hallway, it was Eclipse. Followed by Toothless. Toothless got in front of her in a defensive position. She couldn't move at all whatsoever. I heard Hookfang making his way over to Snotlout.

Toothless POV

I shot bolts at the man, trying to take him down, but I knew I couldn't. It held him back though while Eclipse crawled away. Sam went with her, taking off the extra chains on her body. "Toothless!" Hiccup called as he ran over to me.

Astrid followed with him, but then I saw what used to be Snotlout . . .  He was on Fanghook charging over towards us.

Eclipse POV

"I have to go back and help, I can do it." I told Sam. He gave me a worried look, his heart saying 'no', his face saying 'you sure?' "I can do this." I reassured him. I felt as something was happening to me.

My scales that were broken around my feet started falling off and got replaced immediately. My ribcage was no longer showing. My scales became black, with blue scales mixed in. "What's happening?" I asked Sam. "I don't know." He replied.

I felt . . . Strong, in one word. "I'll be back, I promise!" I told him as I ran out there.

Toothless POV

I saw Eclipse turn a corner and was back in the hallway we we're in. She flew up and shot multiple blasts at David. I don't think I have ever seen her so pretty . . . "RUNNN!" She yelled at all of us. I saw Hiccup running over towards me, "Come on bud, we're going to go and find everyone." I reassured him. At that moment I saw a groncle and Hideous Zippleback walk out.

Eclipse looked like she had David covered. I heard a Nadder screech, Astrid jumped onto her toes, "That's Stormfly!" She yelled as she ran off.

I fought off the three . . . Four? Dragons as Hiccup was making a plan.

Eclipse POV

I shot him three times then landed and bit his arm, when I let go, blood dripped. "Eclipse, stop." He commanded. I didn't even hear what he said, the words went through my ears but didn't make a change.

"I lost too much power when I made those four my slaves. I can no longer control Eclipse." David said, wait . . . He didn't say it, I read his mind . . . No, couldn't be. I shook the thought out of my head and continued firing at him. Suddenly the zippleback spat gas everywhere. I shot a blast again towards the fleeing David, igniting the gas around me.

I didn't even feel a sting from the fire. I only turned around to see Toothless covering Hiccup as best as possible from the fire. "Get behind me." I commanded, not caring about David at the moment. Toothless dragged Hiccup behind me, I started shooting at the three dragons.

Shot after shot, they backed up, then fired towards me.

"GOT HIM!" I heard from a different hallway. "You got them, I'll be back." I said as I flew off towards the voice.

Davids POV

She may win this time, but not the next, I'm ditching. I wish she never learned she had these powers. The NightFury that shot her was her savior, the Gods sent her to save Eclipse. If she hadn't gotten shot she would have died in this fight.

Sam's POV

"I just had him I swear!" I said aloud to Eclipse who just arrived. "We'll have another chance, sooner or later." Eclipse told me as I prepared to leave with the rest of the group.

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