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I told Hiccup EVERYTHING, how else would he be able to help when the time comes? Well, after I told him all of that, he decided it would be best shared with the rest of the group. "I wish I could do that!" Ruff said taking David's side. "Imagine all the destruction we would spread across Berk." Tuff added.

"Focus you two, this is really serious, if someone took control of Eclipse imagine what would happen . . .  No offense Eclipse." Hiccup said turning to Astrid and Fishlegs. "None taken." I said. "I'm personally with the two numbskulls, they seem like a load of trouble." The voice said again. "Leave me alone." I whispered.

All five of them turned towards me, "You feeling okay?" Hiccup asked. Astrid was at a good distance away from me, obviously nervous about me. "If this David fellow took control of Eclipse, lets just say the world would be gone." Fishlegs said as he rubbed his chin. "What happened to that necklace you found?" Astrid asked.

"I don't know, when I ran from my room with Hiccup . . . I just figured it was gone." I said as I looked at the people walking around. "What should we do with it anyway?" Hiccup asked. "Its jewelry, wear it!" Ruff said as she gave us a DUH face. I mentally face palmed and turned to face Fishlegs.

"Don't turn to me, I don't know what you should do with it!" He said as he hands up. "Lets burn it!" Snotlout said finally joining the conversation. "That might actually work." Fishlegs said as he wrote some notes down. "It might? I mean, It might!" Snotlout said as he winked at Astrid.

She turned away in disgust and looked at Fishlegs notes. "Would it even be safe to touch it though?" I asked as I thought about how it glowed. "We'll see." Hiccup said as he led the group towards my house. I opened the door, allowing everyone to come in. Hiccup led the way to my room, I stuttered behind, tripping over my feet every now and then.

They dragged as I walked, I was happy the voice had vanished, for the time being. Hiccup opened the door and we all walked in, curiously wondering what was going to happen. "Lovely necklace isn't it?" The voice asked. I looked around the room in search of it.

"Its not the necklace that you should be afraid of, its what I make it do." The voice continued. "Get out of here while you can, I'll search for it!" I said falling inwards listening to the voice.

Hiccups POV

I turned towards Eclipse, her eyes almost looking rose colored . . . They weren't normally like that, were they? I dismissed the rest of the group and continued searching with Eclipse. "Are you feeling alright?" I asked her noticing how her hands started twitching.

"I'm FINE!" She yelled back. Something was wrong, something was very wrong. "Eclipse, where's the necklace?" I asked her. She turned towards me. I looked around her neck, THE NECKLACE?! BUT HOW?!

*Five minutes ago*

Eclipse's POV

I found the necklace! Now we can destroy it once and for all! I touched it, my eyes getting a weird sensation in them. I turned towards Hiccup, him looking straight towards me. My hands started twitching, "You okay?" He asked as he looked considerately at me. "I'm FINE!" A voice yelled that wasn't mine.

I felt as I slowly lost control of my body, I could see through my eyes and feel my hands, but I couldn't move. Its like being claustrophobic, just a million times worse. I looked as my hands set the necklace around my neck. I wanted to tell Hiccup to run, seems I didn't have to. He was sprinting as fast as his small legs could take him.

I could hear everything around me, but the mans voice was distracting me from listening to anything else. "Eclipse, your mine. I told you I can control you, just this way it makes it even more simple for me." He said, I could feel him smile, a gruesome nasty smile.

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