The Twins

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I mentally laughed at my comment I made and I stopped squirming. "Where are you taking me?" I asked.

It didn't respond and just continued flying. I looked back, hearing both Stormfly and Toothless. Both of them were far behind. The rest of the gang weren't far behind them, and they were quickly catching up. I only knew because I could hear the sounds of their wings.

I didn't want to give away their position, but I think I already had because I turned directly at them. The man riding the Sandwraith had already turned towards them and signaled for the Sandwraith to shoot.

I did all that I could at that very moment, I raised my tail and slapped the Sandwraith before he got the chance to shoot at them. HA!

Ruffnut's POV

"Where do you think they went?" I asked Tuffnut who was in the boar pit. "Pshh, who cares, we got plenty of boars to keep us busy." He stated and whistled for Barf and Belch. "We should probably try to go find them." I said and stood in front of Barf so he wouldn't go to Tuff.

"What if they're in trouble?" I started and continued keeping Barf and Belch blocked. "Who cares, as long as we aren't there, no trouble will come to them. DUH!" He said. You know, he is right, we are the only ones capable of mass destruction, what am I worrying for?

"Your right, lemme in that boar pit!" I said, charging forward with Barf and Belch. But before I got close enough to hop in, Valka ran in front of me and stopped my charge. "What gives? I was about to have the time of my life!" I said, complaining to her.

"You know you ought to help them! Both of you. Get on your dragon and help Eclipse!" Valka said, giving me a stern look. "But the boar-" I started. "What about them? They're going to be here when you get back . . . Or at least, on the island." She said.

"Can we at least do one round, and then go help them?" Tuff started. "No!" Valka said and ushered me onto Barf.

Once we were both on the dragons she walked off, just like that, she didn't even decide to come with us. I see how it is.

"We might as well make the best of this." I said to Tuffnut, and as we flew we had Belch light Barf's gas.

Astrids POV

What is that loud explosion I hear behind me? I turned around to see the twins messing around. "Where were you guys?! And what took you so long?" I asked, pretty mad at them.

"Well we were going to have fun in the boa-" Tuffnut started before Barf rammed his head into Belch. "We we were just . . . Letting you guys have a head start." Ruff butted in.

"Okay then . . . fly up there to the Sandwraith and do what you guys do best from there." I ordered.

Their dragon flew up towards the Sandwraith, the rest of us were a little distance away . . . Well, we were far enough away that it won't hit us if it turned around and shot . . . And we may or may not be seeing its attack . . .

"Astrid! What are they doing?" Hiccup said, and slowed down so he could fly next to me. "What they do best. Plus, their dragons know what to do if it attacks." I said smiling at him. He turned away from me, ignoring my smile completely.

"Lets hope their dragon... dragons? Do? Does? Know." He mumbled.

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