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Eclipse's POV

"I know how to fly." I tell her, watching as she climbs up to the tallest area and waits for me. "I'd sure hope so." She replies, watching as I made my way next to her. "But do you know how to fight while flying?" She asked, and launched her body into the air. I jumped after her, spreading my wings and quickly caught up. "Let's play a game, try and catch me." She said, suddenly diving into an area completely covered with trees.

I was caught off guard, I did a harsh turn and followed after her. "What's the point of this? I thought we were going to practice fighting?" I asked, dodging trees, trying to find her. "The point," she said, appearing in my vision before she disappeared once more, "is to learn how to track your opponent's movements. You have to catch them before you can fight them." She said. Her voice seemed to echo here, I could barely find where it was coming from.

"I'm pretty sure he won't be running!" I replied, making a tight turn. I rammed my belly into a tree, the turn was pretty bad, but I'd finally found where she might be. I shoved off the tree with my back legs and continued flying after her. "He can't fly remember? Why are we even doing this . . ." I asked, my belly was hurting from that impact.

"He has dragons doesn't he?" She replied, seeming to be above me. I looked up just in time to see her diving for me. I threw my wings back, slowing me down immediately. She did a quick right turn and got out of the trees. "You wouldn't have even noticed I was above you. That's why we're doing this Eclipse. You need to learn to trust and tune into your senses." She said, speeding up and flying towards the ceiling.

I chased after her, my wings were getting slightly tired, I haven't worked on my maneuverability in a while. She shot a plasma blast towards me. I was shocked, and barely dodged it. She continued flying, and turned around occasionally, shooting at me. I could barely dodge most of the shots, and some have already hit me.

I then sped up, knowing my wings were already aching. I flew above her, my speed caught her off guard. I was only an inch above her. She turned right abruptly, and I shadowed her. She dived and did some quick moves to get me away. She never looked up to see I was here, and she could barely hear me. I was almost silent. I dived down, and took her down with me. We were going straight for the pond. I had both of my front feet pushing her down.

Right before we fell for the pond, she flipped under me, and flew off. I had no time to adjust myself, and I landed in the water. I shoved myself towards the top. Once I was above it, I lunged towards the ground. "I had you!" I yell out to her, she was standing yards from me, smirking. "Maybe you did for a moment, but I'm very experienced." She replied, walking over to me. "You did better than I thought you would. Tomorrow, right before the sun rises, meet me in here. Don't make any plans other than this." She said.

I opened my mouth to speak, but she cut in. "Goodnight Eclipse." She dismissed, sending me off. I looked towards the door, the man just opened it. "Ugh, okay. Bye Luna." I replied, speeding up towards the door. That night, I fell asleep easily, but I was wondering what tomorrow would bring. She knew what she was doing, and I doubt she'll take it easy on me.

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