Spreading the Truth

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I broke out of the ice that consumed me, with Toothless's help. My legs and tail were still caught in the ice but I was thankful I escaped partically. "Are you okay Eclipse?" Toothless asked as he tried to dig more of the ice off. "I'm fine, where is the Bewilderbeasts?" I asked him. "We defeated them, both of them." He said as he looked at me with his lovely green eyes.

I watched as Hiccup helped pry some of the last of the ice off of my feet. "Its going to be a LOT of fun to explain to them . . . You know, about, me." I said as I looked at my feet. "Vikings, am I right?" He asked and did a dragon laugh with me. "I'm glad you didn't need an explanation, you just kind of . . . Went with the flow." I said aloud.

He smiled then pried off the ice on my tail. I was now finally free and moved my limbs that were freezing cold. I wonder how bad a dragon could get a cold. "Lets get back to my place, the fire ought to heat you up." He said as he waited for Hiccup to board him. We both flew back to his place. Since I am a NightFury, I'm a reptile, so we're cold blooded. We get heat from the sun.

It was very dark out, it had me wondering how long the fight had really lasted, obviously I had been out for the half of it. I followed Toothless as he lead me to a warm fire. I heated one wing at a time, then my cold feet. "Can't imagine how bad that was." Toothless said as he looked at the fire. "I don't remember it, so it wasn't too bad." I said as I saw Hiccup enter the room.

He was rubbing his shoulder shyly and walked over to the fire. "Hey guys . . ." He said looking at me. "Hello." I said in dragon knowing he wouldn't understand. "I'll go grab some clothes for you . . ." He said as he walked off. Toothless and I shared eye contact for a moment.

"I'm going to shift back . . ." I said as I ushered him out with my eyes. "Oh, yeah sure." He said as he trotted out. I shifted back, getting warmed by the fire, then putting my clothing on myself. I nervously rubbed my arm, wondering what they were going to ask me. "I'm in clothes." I said as I walked towards the door. Hiccup barged in hearing what I said, the gang close behind.

I was surprised Snotlout was acting shy, since when has he ever done that?! "What's it like to fly, with your own pair of wings?" Astrid asked, being her nice and not rude self. "Oh. Well it's nice." I told her.

I got a million other questions about the topic, everyone curious about what it's like for me. Just then I heard a loud knock on the door, Ruffnut turned and opened the door. My eyes met with the strangers eyes just for a moment, that's all it took.

The Other NightFuryTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon