All Too Good

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Eclipses POV

Another week has passed. Toothless and I have gotten much closer. The same for Hiccup and Astrid. Stormfly feels left out because Toothless is with me, and her rider's with Hiccup. Meatlug, Hookfang, Barf and Belch don't seem to really care about all of this stuff. They're more interested in being treated like royalty.

The man still hasn't told us his name, and no one will. Maybe it's for a better cause. He's been training each of us on fighting four days a week. I have an easy time fighting as a dragon, because it's my dominant form. One thing I've noticed this past month, is I feel that something's here I need to get to. The thing is, I don't know what it is.

My mind keeps going back to when I was shot by the Nightfury. Something about that wasn't right. Maybe it was that the Nightfury seemed resistant to leaving. As if, she wasn't done with what she had to do. I know I shouldn't remember this memory, but it's visible in my mind.

It becomes more visible the longer I stay here. I'd just finished my training session, and the man looked at me for a moment. It seemed he was trying to decide to do something or not. "Luna's right. It's time." He mumbled. "Come with me Eclipse." He said, and started running trough the halls. I wasn't sure where he was taking me.

I've never been to this section of the building before, and it all seemed very foreign to me. I had to run to keep up with him, he was really fast. "You'll know who Luna is when you meet her!" He called out to me. I wasn't very sure what he was talking about, I don't know who this Luna is.

He then slowed down and stopped. "This is the door." He announced, and used his keys to unlock it. The door swung open and the room inside was absolutely gorgeous! It looked like the outdoors, and the room was at least fifty feet high. There were trees, plants and this lovely grass.

There was also a very clear pool of water. There were many fish in it, but it seemed no eels. I walked all the way inside, and the man left the room. I turned around, suspicious of his actions. He locked the door behind him. I knew I couldn't shoot through it.

I turned back towards the room. I started walking around, and I rolled in the fresh grass. Suddenly I heard a screech of someone else in here with me. It sounded like someone was prepared to shoot. I jumped up and ran off behind a few trees. A moment later a plasma blast landed on the grass where I once laid.

Nightfury. I looked around this place, searching for where it was. Another Nightfury, but it didn't seem like it trusted me. "Are you . . . Wait, he did find you!" She announced. A body suddenly dived down from the top of the trees.

She walked over to me, and my bottom was all the way backed up to a tree. "You're alive!" She called out in joy. "What do you mean?" I questioned. "You don't remember me? Well I certainly remember you! But you've grown up so much!" She said, looking at me from all angles.

Her eyes were a blue like mine, and she was about the same size. She seemed older though, at least twenty years older. "You really don't remember me?" She asked, and backed up a little.

"Not really." I admitted. "I met you when you were a baby, before you died. I was watching your family's house. Your brother had to make sure you were breathing during the night. When you were born you were dead. But with him constantly taking care of you, you were slightly better. I knew you weren't going to live much more than a year, and you grew on me." She said.

"So when a hoard of dragons attacked, I figured that was a good time to try and help you out. My parents taught me a few skills when I was young. I learned how to change someone, I could only change one in my lifetime. I decided I would change you, because you actually needed it. When I shot some into you, I only got halfway through. It didn't hurt you, it only startled you at first. Before I could make you pure Nightfury they shooed me off. If I changed you I knew I would fix your breathing. I just didn't figure they would fight me." She said and turned away.

"You're the dragon that saved me?" I said amazed.

"Yes. But because I couldn't finish, a man- a very greedy man -wanted your power. I fought him a long time ago, when he was a Nightfury. I took away his Nightfury form the same way I gave you yours. He became a mere human, and has wanted to take your life. According to him, if he kills you, he gets his dragon form back. I haven't done much research on it, but I doubt that would happen. He would probably die in the process." She admitted.

By now I was very confused. I didn't want to believe this bizarre story. It was true, but I just didn't want to accept it. "Why did you take his powers away?" I asked her. "I didn't want to . . . But he wasn't like any other Nightfury I've met. He's my son, I didn't know what else to do. His name was Helix, and he was just as good as you are. He could do the most daring dives and twists, he was in it for the thrill. When his Nadder friends went to loot from the Vikings, I followed along." She choked.

"He knew I was watching over you at that time, but either way he shot repeatedly at your home. He tried to burn it down and kill each of your family members. Your brother thought I killed his mom, but that was my son that did that. I then flew towards the house, and my son dived away. I shot you because I knew this was the only time I would have to do this. I was distracted though, so I couldn't do it fully. I kicked open the door, making sure you both had a way out, then dived out the window. Once I found my son I took it away. He knew I didn't want them to attack that house, he was the only one that did. Everyone else listened to my request." She growled lowly.

"I'm so sorry." I said. "No, don't be. But if you want to be safe from Helix- I mean, David, you have to kill him. I also have to do something as well." She said, and turned away from me. The look on her face was determination. "If you want to solve this conflict with David, you have to let me change you the rest of the way." She said. She couldn't meet my eyes, something about that just didn't seem right.

The Other NightFuryOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora