Where is my Dragon?

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Hiccups POV

I ran over to Fishlegs and handed him the necklace and he summoned Meatlug. "Okay girl, shoot the necklace!" He said as he set it on the ground. She shot the necklace, it slowly starting to burn, red smoke flew off of the necklace. "There, done." Fishlegs said. But it didn't seem to want to leave that easily, so instead we had Meatlug bury it.

"Good work Meatlug." I said as I started walking out of the building. "HICCUP!" Astrid yelled from afar. "Astrid? What is it?" I asked as she approached. "Its Eclipse, she flew off with Toothless, she flew off of the island. I don't know where she is taking him and I decided to tell you before I took action." She said with wide eyes.

"What direction did she fly off towards?" I questioned. "Off to the north!" Astrid said as she whistled for Stormfly. "Can I ride with you?" I asked her. "Of course, get on!" She said as Stormfly landed.

We both got on, Stormfly flew up into the air and started going north. "We'll never catch her at this speed, Eclipse was always a one for speed." I said. "Fine, I'll see if she'll speed up." Astrid said and Stormfly sped up.

All I could see in front of me was miles of water. "You sure she went this way?"
I asked cautiously. "Yes. But she flew
out about five minutes before I came for you." She replied.

"How far could she have gotten in five minutes?!" I asked. "She got wings, what's stopping her from getting to her destination before we catch up to her." Astrid noted as she had Stormfly fly higher. "But if she is dragging along a WHOLE dragon . . . Shouldn't that give us more time to catch up?" I questioned.

"Why ask me, I only know what you do." Astrid replied sassily. I shut my trap after she said that to me. Stormfly made an excited yelp, I looked for what she was looking at. I saw Eclipse carrying Toothless!

"Okay, here's the plan-"

Eclipse POV

I wasn't in control of my body . . . Didn't they burn the necklace . . . "That's not how it works." The voice said. "What? Now you can read my thoughts?!" I questioned. I got no replies, only a small laugh. "LEAVE ME ALONE!" I yelled once more to David.

"Not when we're this close, sorry hun." He said, I shivered when I felt the breath on my neck. I couldn't move though, everything is inactive other than my facial features.

I felt a jolt as I started gaining control of my body once more. "Don't think your getting away that easily, I'm always one step ahead of you." David said. I had control of my wings, I flapped them, not willing to fall into the cold water.

I slowly lost control of my wings and gained control of my feet and tail. I gained control of my eyes. I turned and saw Hiccup, Astrid, and Stormfly following me. I had no control whatsoever on my mouth. I felt as a plasma blast started in my throat.

It hit Astrid, knocking her off of Stormfly. Hiccup jumped onto my wing and Toothless was silent. I felt as my body started turning, Hiccup lost his grip and started falling. I dropped Toothless hoping he could help. Stormfly caught Astrid and they flew back up to my level.

"Eclipse, come to me." The voice said. I tried my hardest to refuse, but the harder I tried the more my head hurt. I cried in pain as it felt like daggers injecting into my brain. "Eclipse, fight it!" I heard Toothless call. I tried my hardest, but I couldn't fight it off.

This time I didn't lose control of my body, I was still in control but my body refused to turn. I felt like a puppet, the strings being pulled to make me do what I wouldn't do. "Eclipse, DON'T LISTEN TO HIM! He is nothing but trouble!" Hiccup said.

I looked at them, tears crawling down my face from the stabbing like pain. "I tried . . . I can't." I replied.

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