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"I am your new owner."

That single line repeated itself in my unconscious head. Just before that, they muzzled me and tied me down to a cart. I couldn't see the light, because they tied a bag around my head. The only thing they hadn't restrained was my tail, which allowed me to manage to hit one of them to the ground.

The viking I brutally injured muttered under his breath and I heard him fall to the ground. Immediately after, they restrained my tail. My feet were so tightly pinned against me I could feel the sting of them falling asleep. I tried to wake them up, but I couldn't move them.

"Boss, why is she so important?" One asked. I could hear everyone tensing around me, then I heard a snake-like voice come from the right.

"You know why, plus, if it doesn't work out . . . I'm sure Nightfury armor is rare to come by." He said. I slightly cowered at the thought of him trying to kill me for this- whatever it happened to be.

He walked closer to me, I could tell because I could feel his body heat. He set his hand onto my right side, stroking my scales. I growled deep in my throat and attempted to claw at him. I got him on the side of his arm, but he had a shield that he deflected it with. I'm too cool for restraints.

"HELP!" I yelled out. "Shut it dragon! Or we will put you down quicker than anyone would want." One of the guys said. I listened very intently for any sounds of hope.

Toothless' POV

Where did she go? Where could she have gone? How far could a dragon get in five minutes?! "HELP!" I heard from afar. I charged after the voice, but soon heard men I didn't know. I crouched low in the grass and slowly stalked after the voice. I cocked my head to the side and raised my ear.

I tried to catch any sound that could be used to my advantage. I flattened myself back onto the ground and then crawled further. Once I heard them I leaped up within three long strides and took down the first person I saw.

"Another one?!" A man called who I guessed was their leader. I caught a glimpse of Eclipse tied up to the cart. It only made me more furious as I fought against the Vikings.

Eclipse POV

I could hear what was going on, but I couldn't see or move. I started jerking back and forth in the cart, trying to break it. Once it started to tip, I gave it one more good shove and it fell over. Some of the chains broke, releasing all of my limbs.

The only problem was the fact that the fabric was still wrapped around my eyes. I shook my head back and forth furiously, attempting to be able to see again. I could hear all of the men's battle cries. I then heard someone grab the chains behind me and wrap them around my neck. He hopped onto my back, and tried to tie my limbs down.

I extended my wings, and gave a few pushes, getting him up into the sky with me. I blindly flew, and he was only holding on with the chains. I decided I needed to trust my gut and I flipped upside down and fell.

Toothless POV

WHAT IN THE WORLD IS SHE DOING?! I had most of the men down, but they were getting back up. The leader guy was on her back holding onto a few of the chains he had wrapped around her.

I tried to flap my wings and get up to her, but I could only go a few feet before I fell back down. "ECLIPSE! YOU'RE GOING TO CRASH!" I called out to her. She was barely above the treeline. The man on her back was starting to freak out, and grabbed onto her neck tightly.

Hiccup POV

Where did Toothless go- wait, he probably has something to do with that. I looked at Eclipse falling from the sky with a man on her. I charged over there, Astrid following right behind me. Mainly I was stumbling with my peg leg, making it hard to go as fast as I wanted to.

Eclipse POV

I would have turned over by now, but the guy on my back is making it difficult. I am not used to holding this much weight on me. I tried to flip over, but instead I started flopping. I could hear him making groaning sounds, getting sick, but this is purely his fault.

All the sudden, I stopped flopping and was now upright. My wings weren't outstretched, because someone else was holding them together. "Oh my gods, thank you!" I said to whoever this was. I was feeling the sense of nausea and was really missing the feeling of the ground.

"Thank you." The guy on my back said and crawled up onto the dragon holding me. "Good boy, now c'mon, we've got to get back before they can catch up." I had a sudden feeling this dragon carrying me wasn't a friend after all.

Toothless POV

Who is that dragon?!

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