Chapter 9: Runaway

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A/N: Hello my lovely peoples. How are you all doing?

Very Angry Mob: ANGRY!

Me: What the- Are you guys the Angry Mob?


Me: I can tell. So yeah... um... I don't really have an excuse for the delay in updating. I know I kept saying that it would be up soon but Life decided to be a butt and prevent me from doing any writing. But I'm back now (with a new chappie ^-^) so I hope you all enjoy. Now I must run from the Very Angry Mob *hops in a cab and flies into outer space*

Very Angry Mob: AFTER PHANTOM! *they all jump into their own rocket cabs and chase after me* 

Third Person POV

Batman watched helplessly as the warehouse crumbled to pieces. As the bricks tumbled to the ground and a large smoke cloud rose, Batman felt a worrying sense of dread in his gut. The second the crumbling stopped, or at least slowed down, Batman leaped off the building he had grappled to and landed amongst the blown up remains of warehouse B7. He prayed that Crow was alright, that he wasn't too badly injured, that he was alive. He couldn't lose both of his sons.

The Dark Knight frantically searched through the rubble, looking for any sign of his partner. Crow had been at the top of the building when it came down. He should be fine... right? As Batman pulled away pieces of brick and cement, his eyes scanned his surroundings. From the corner of his eye, the vigilante spotted a flash of blue peeking over one the of larger pieces of debris. Batman immediately dropped the piece of stone in his hands and rushed towards the piece of blue. When he arrived at the spot, his eyes widened in horror. "My god," he whispered. It was Crow. He was lying on his back, and he wasn't moving.

The young hero's uniform had multiple rips and tears, with many open wounds leaking dark red blood. There were dark red spots all over his uniform that appeared to be getting bigger. Crow's right arm was bent at an awkward angle, as was his right leg. He had multiple cuts on his face and there was a large gash on his forehead, leaking blood down the sides of his face. Batman pressed two fingers against the boy's neck, and breathed a sigh of relief when he felt the small pulse. He leaned down and hovered his ear over Crow's mouth. The young teen's breaths were small and shaky. Batman worried that he had broken ribs or a punctured lung. Moving carefully, Batman picked up the boy, doing his best not to do anything to worsen his condition. Sirens could be heard in the distance, emergency crews were going to be there any second. The Dark Knight knew his young partner needed immediate medical attention, but he couldn't risk Crow's identity being revealed. Instead, Batman walked as fast as he could, without injuring Crow further, towards where he had parked the Batmobile.

Once there, Batman placed Crow gently on the backseat before climbing into the driver's seat and starting the engine. With his eyes focused dead ahead, the Batmobile sped off into the night. "Contact Batcave," Batman said aloud, not taking his eyes off the road. He needed to make sure he got to his destination ASAP. No stopping. Not for anything.

"Hello?" Alfred's voice came from the radio.

"Alfred, emergency. Crow has been badly injured. Meet me at Thompkins ASAP," Batman stated.

Alfred gasped softly on the other side of the line. "My goodness. I'll be there in two shakes." The butler hung up and Batman was once again left in silence. He quickly glanced back at Crow's battered body. In his head rang the words of Robin.

"Why did you let him go alone?!"

"He's always doing this! Putting others in harms way with little regard for the outcome!"

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